Dr. Simon Wessing
E-Mail: | simon.wessing![]() |
I have left TU Dortmund, so these pages will not be updated anymore. For up-to-date information visit http://www.simonwessing.de.
- Gave a talk at ICCOPT 2016
- Second place (first place for alternate rankings) of 25 participants at the CEC 2015 black-box optimization competition (BBComp)
- Python package diversipy: Sample in hypercubes, select diverse subsets, and evaluate diversity indicators
- Python package optproblems: A collection of test problems for black-box optimization
- Python package evoalgos: Modular evolutionary algorithms
- Python package dfoalgos: Derivative-free optimization algorithms
- SMS-EMOA implementation (in Java) for the optimization library jMetal
Peer reviewed
- Simon Wessing, Rosa Pink, Kai Brandenbusch, Günter Rudolph. Toward Step-size Adaptation in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In Evolutionary Multicriterion Optimization, pp. 670-684, Springer, 2017.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss. The True Destination of EGO is Multi-local Optimization. In 4th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (to appear).
- Simon Wessing, Günter Rudolph, Dino Menges. Comparing Asynchronous and Synchronous Parallelization of the SMS-EMOA. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XIV), pp. 558-567, Springer, 2016.
- Simon Wessing, Günter Rudolph, Mike Preuss. Assessing Basin Identification Methods for Locating Multiple Optima. In Panos M. Pardalos, Anatoly Zhigljavsky, and Julius Žilinskas (eds.): Advances in Stochastic and Deterministic Global Optimization, pp. 53-70, Springer, 2016.
- Pascal Kerschke, Mike Preuss, Simon Wessing, Heike Trautmann. Low-Budget Exploratory Landscape Analysis on Multiple Peaks Models. In GECCO '16: Proceedings of the 2016 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp. 229-236, ACM, 2016.
- Günter Rudolph, Simon Wessing. Linear Time Estimators for Assessing Uniformity of Point Samples in Hypercubes. Informatica, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 335-349, 2016.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss. On multiobjective selection for multimodal optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 875-902, 2016.
- Pascal Kerschke, Mike Preuss, Simon Wessing, Heike Trautmann. Detecting Funnel Structures by Means of Exploratory Landscape Analysis. In GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp. 265–272, ACM, 2015.
- Mike Preuss, Simon Wessing, Günter Rudolph, Gabriele Sadowski. Solving Phase Equilibrium Problems by Means of Avoidance-based Multiobjectivization. In: Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence. pp. 1159–1171, Springer, 2015.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss, Heike Trautmann. Stopping Criteria for Multimodal Optimization. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIII, LNCS 8672, pp. 141–150, Springer, 2014.
- Bernd Bischl, Simon Wessing, Nadja Bauer, Klaus Friedrichs, Claus Weihs. MOI-MBO: Multiobjective Infill for Parallel Model-Based Optimization. In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LNCS, pp. 173–186, Springer, 2014.
- Mike Preuss, Simon Wessing. Measuring Multimodal Optimization Solution Sets with a View to Multiobjective Techniques. In EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation IV, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 227, pp. 123–137, Springer, 2013.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss, Günter Rudolph. Niching by Multiobjectivization with Neighbor Information: Trade-offs and Benefits. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pp. 103–110, 2013.
- Julian Togelius, Mike Preuss, Nicola Beume, Simon Wessing, Johan Hagelbäck, Georgios N. Yannakakis, Corrado Grappiolo. Controllable procedural map generation via multiobjective evolution. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 245–277, 2013.
- Simon Wessing. Repair Methods for Box Constraints Revisited. In Applications of Evolutionary Computation, LNCS 7835, pp. 469–478. Springer, 2013.
- Tobias Wagner, Simon Wessing. On the Effect of Response Transformations in Sequential Parameter Optimization. Evolutionary Computation Journal, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 229–248, 2012.
- Boris Naujoks, Heike Trautmann, Simon Wessing, Claus Weihs. Advanced concepts for multi-objective evolutionary optimization in aircraft industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 225(10):1081–1096, 2011.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss, Günter Rudolph. When Parameter Tuning Actually is Parameter Control. In GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp. 821–828, 2011.
- Simon Wessing, Nicola Beume, Günter Rudolph, Boris Naujoks. Parameter Tuning Boosts Performance of Variation Operators in Multiobjective Optimization. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XI, pp. 728–737, 2010.
- Julian Togelius, Mike Preuss, Nicola Beume, Simon Wessing, Johan Hagelbäck, and Georgios N. Yannakakis. Multiobjective Exploration of the StarCraft Map Space. In IEEE Conference On Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), pp. 265–272, 2010.
- Simon Wessing, Boris Naujoks. Sequential Parameter Optimization for Multi-Objective Problems. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) within the World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), 2010.
- Mike Preuss, Günter Rudolph, Simon Wessing. Tuning Optimization Algorithms for Real-World Problems by Means of Surrogate Modeling. In GECCO '10: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp. 401–408, 2010.
- Mike Preuss, Nicola Beume, Holger Danielsiek, Tobias Hein, Boris Naujoks, Nico Piatkowski, Raphael Stüer, Andreas Thom, Simon Wessing. Towards Intelligent Team Composition and Maneuvering in Realtime Strategy Games. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 82–96. 2010.
- Nicola Beume, Tobias Hein, Boris Naujoks, Nico Piatkowski, Mike Preuss, Simon Wessing. Intelligent Anti-Grouping in Real-Time Strategy Games. In Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG 2008), pp. 63–70. IEEE Press, 2008.
- Nicola Beume, Holger Danielsiek, Christian Eichhorn, Boris Naujoks, Mike Preuss, Klaus Stiller, Simon Wessing. Measuring Flow as Concept for Detecting Game Fun in the Pac-Man Game. In Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008), pp. 3447–3454. IEEE Press, 2008.
Other Publications
- Simon Wessing. Benchmarking the SMS-EMOA with self-adaptation on the bbob-biobj test suite. In GECCO '17 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp. 1772-1779, ACM, 2017
- Simon Wessing. Experimental Analysis of a Novel Stratified Sampling Algorithm for Hypercubes. ArXiv e-print 1705.03809, 2017.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss. The True Destination of EGO is Multi-local Optimization. ArXiv e-print 1704.05724, 2017.
- Simon Wessing. Towards a Systematic Development Process of Optimization Methods. ArXiv e-print 1603.00001, 2016.
- Dino A. Menges, Simon Wessing, Günter Rudolph. Asynchrone Parallelisierung des SMS-EMOA zur Parameteroptimierung von mobilen Robotern. In Proceedings. 25. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Angewandte Informatik - Automatisierungstechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, pp. 47-65, 2015.
- Simon Wessing. Two-stage methods for multimodal optimization. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2015.
- Simon Wessing. The Multiple Peaks Model 2. Algorithm Engineering Report TR15-2-001, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2015.
- Simon Wessing, Mike Preuss. On Multiobjective Selection for Multimodal Optimization. Algorithm Engineering Report TR14-2-001, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2014.
- Simon Wessing, Günter Rudolph, Sven Turck, Christian Klimmek, Sebastian C. Schäfer, Michael Schneider, Ulrich Lehmann. Replacing FEA for Sheet Metal Forming by Surrogate Modeling. Cogent Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 1, Paper ID 950853, 2014.
- Simon Wessing, Tobias Wagner. A Rank Transformation Can Improve Sequential Parameter Optimization. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Methods for the Assessment of Computational Systems (WEMACS 2010), Algorithm Engineering Report TR10-2-007, pp. 32–46, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2010.
- Jialuo Ding, Simon Wessing, Heike Trautmann, Jörn Mehnen, Boris Naujoks. Sequential Parameter Optimisation for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation of Additive Layer Manufacturing. In CIRP ICME '10 – 7th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Innovative and Cognitive Production Technology and Systems, R. Teti (ed.), 23–25 June 2010, Capri (Gulf of Naples), Italy.
- Simon Wessing. Towards Optimal Parameterizations of the S-Metric Selection Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithm. Diploma thesis, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2009.
- Mike Preuss, Nicola Beume, Holger Danielsiek, Tobias Hein, Boris Naujoks, Nico Piatkowski, Raphael Stüer, Andreas Thom, Simon Wessing. Intelligent Group Movement and Selection in Realtime Strategy Games. Reihe CI 255/08, SFB 531, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2008.
- Holger Danielsiek, Christian Eichhorn, Tobias Hein, Edina Kurtić, Georg Neugebauer, Nico Piatkowski, Jan Quadflieg, Sebastian Schnelker, Raphael Stüer, Andreas Thom, Simon Wessing. PG511 – CI in Games – Final Report. Reihe CI 252/08, SFB 531, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2008.
- Holger Danielsiek, Christian Eichhorn, Tobias Hein, Edina Kurtić, Georg Neugebauer, Nico Piatkowski, Michael Puchowezki, Jan Quadflieg, Sebastian Schnelker, Raphael Stüer, Andreas Thom, Simon Wessing. PG511 – CI in Games – Zwischenbericht. Reihe CI 236/07, SFB 531, Universität Dortmund, 2007.