Algorithm Engineering (Prof. Buchin)
neue Webseite hier.
- Jan Erik Swiadek (student assistant), BSc
- Torben Scheele (student assistant), BSc
Research Topics
- algorithm engineering
- computational geometry
- spatial networks
- algorithms for GIS
- algorithms for motion planning
Publications, Multimedia, Code
- publications:
Teaching and Final Projects
- Our lectures are listed on the chair's general page
- Final projects (see also Abschlussarbeiten):
- contact Prof. Kevin Buchin if you are interested in a project in one of the research areas listed above
- If you plan to write your BSc thesis in our group, you should have successfully completed Effiziente Algorithmen (EA) (and DAP2)
- If you plan to write your MSc thesis in our group, you should have successfully completed Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (AuD) and ideally a specialized course and a seminar in the area of algorithms/algorithm engineering
- you can find examples of previous MSc projects here