Department of Computer Science
Chair of Algorithm Engineering (Ls11)
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Günter Rudolph: Lecture Introduction to Computational Intelligence (WS 2024/25)

Introduction to Computational Intelligence

(Elective Module INF-BSc-305 / AR-MSc-306)

Winter term 2024/25

Prof. Dr. Günter Rudolph

Wednesday 10:15 - 11:45 am in lecture hall E23 (OH14)
First Lecture: Wednesday, 09-Oct-2024

Link to Moodle

  • 05-Feb-2025
    The exam inspection (Klausureinsicht) takes place on Thursday, 13-Feb-2025, 10:15am - 11:45am at OH14, room 202.
  • 30-Jan-2025
    The written exam on Tuesday, 04-Feb-2025, 4:00pm - 5:30pm, will take place in the building of Department of Chemistry (OH6, EUnet Allee, Campus North) in Lecture Halls HS1, HS2, HS3 .
    HS1Automation & Robotics, Mathematics, Lehramt
    HS2Informatics (A - H)
    HS3Informatics (J - Z)
    Please read the information about the lecture halls (clicking in the leftmost column of the above table).
  • 13-Jan-2025
    The registration to the exams must be made via BOSS for the study programs BSc Informatik and MSc Automation & Robotics, whereas students of MSc Data Science must use the new Campusportal. All other study programs must register (exam date, name, matriculation number, study program) by an email sent to Prof. Rudolph. Registration is open now.
    Important: You cannot participate in the exam without due registration. The registration deadline is 7 days prior to the exam.
    ATTENTION: In the department of Computer Science you may de-register up to one week prior to the exam.
    Notice: Currently, registration is possible without formal eligibility (Studienleistung). But we will scrutinize if you are approved or not. In the end, we'll get you! ;-)
  • 29-Oct-2024
    The written exams will take place on
    - Tuesday,04-Feb-2025,4:00pm - 5:30pm
    - Friday, 04-Apr-2025,1:00pm - 2:30pm
  • 29-Sep-2024
    The module Computational Intelligence consists of a lecture and a tutorial, that is offered twice a week. You will attend only one of the tutorials as they are identical.

    It is not necessary to enroll to the lecture; simply come to the lecture hall E23 in building OH14 at the given date.

    But you should register to the tutorial; simply click on the link to moodle above and you will get further information about this issue.

Tutorial: Dr.-Ing. Marco Pleines, Jonas Kramer (B.Sc.)

Instruction Language: English.

Typically, Computational Intelligence is used as an umbrella term for the fields of artificial neural nets (ANN), fuzzy systems (FS) and evolutionary computation (EC). This course offers a thorough introduction into all three fields.

Foundations of ANN: McCulloch-Pitts nets, perceptrons, RBF nets, Hopfield nets, convolutional neural nets (CNN), recurrent nets.
Foundations of FS: Fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, fuzzy logic, fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy control, fuzzy clustering.
Foundations of EC: Algorithmic basics, parameterization, analysis methods, limits of deployment.

Students should get an overview about the different aspects of Computational Intelligence. They should be familiar with the essential elements in all three fields (ANN, FS, EC) and able to deploy and adapt these methods for real applications. Moreover, they should be able to assess when to deploy these methods and when not.

Introduction and Organizational Issues  
09.10.2024 Fuzzy Systems I  
16.10.2024 Fuzzy Systems II  
23.10.2024 Fuzzy Systems III  
30.10.2024 Fuzzy Systems IV  
06.11.2024 Fuzzy Systems V  
13.11.2024 Evolutionary Algorithms I  
20.11.2024 Evolutionary Algorithms II  
27.11.2024 Evolutionary Algorithms III  
04.12.2024 Evolutionary Algorithms IV  
11.12.2024 Neural Networks I  
17.12.2024 Neural Networks II  
08.01.2025 Neural Networks III   slide 17 supplemented
15.01.2025 Neural Networks IV  
22.01.2025 Neural Networks V  

  • A.E. Eiben and J.E. Smith: Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms. Corrected 2nd printing. Springer 2007.
  • Raul Rojas: Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction. Springer 1996. Available online.
  • Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville: Deep Learning. MIT Press 2017.
  • G.J. Klir und B. Yuan: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic. Prentice Hall 1995.
  • F. Höppner, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse und T. Runkler: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis. Wiley 1999.
  • Amit Konar: Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications. Springer 2005.

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