Nicolas Fischöder


Phone: +49 231 755 7704
E-Mail: nicolas dot fischoeder at cs dot tu-dortmund dot de

Research Interests

- Procedural Content Generation
- Game Development
- Realtime Computer Graphics
- Machine Learning
- Character Animation
- Motion-Capturing
- Mixed Reality


Übung EidP

WS 2021/22


(nur über Projekte in Deutschland)


2017 - 2021 Rhine-Waal University
Faculty Communication and Environment, Digital Media
Degree: Master of Arts

2011 - 2017 Tokai University
Faculty Communication and Environment, Media and Communication Computer-Science
Degree: Bachelor of Science

2001 - 2011 Unesco Gesamtschule Kamp-Lintfort

Beruflicher Werdegang

2021 - (Jetzt) TU-Dortmund, Promotion
LS Informatik 11, Fakultät für Informatik
Position: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

2017 - 2021 Rhine-Waal University, Faculty Communication and Environment
Position: Researcher, Project Managment, Lead Programmer
(2013 - 2017) Rhine-Waal University, Faculty Communication and Environment
Position: Student Assistant, Realtime Programmer

Last modified: 2021-10-13 15:23 by Nicolas Fischöder