
IVAPP Best Paper Award

The AlgE group members Karsten Klein, Nils Kriege, and Petra Mutzel have won the Best Paper award at this year's International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2012) for their publication “Scaffold Hunter - Visual Analysis of Chemical Compound Databases”. The paper describes Scaffold Hunter, an interactive software tool for the exploration and analysis of chemical compound databases. Scaffold Hunter allows to explore the chemical space spanned by a compound database, fosters intuitive recognition of complex structural and bioactivity relationships, and helps to identify interesting compound classes with a desired bioactivity. Thus, the tool supports chemists during the complex and time-consuming drug discovery process to gain additional knowledge and to focus on regions of interest, facilitating the search for promising drug candidates.

Best Paper award für die Veröffentlichung “Scaffold Hunter - Visual Analysis of Chemical Compound Databases” von Karsten Klein, Nils Kriege und Petra Mutzel auf der diesjährigen International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2012). Die Veröffentlichung beschreibt Scaffold Hunter, eine Software zur visuellen Analyse von chemischen Strukturdatenbanken.

2019-02-21 14:15

iPad game CrossingX wins Graph Drawing Contest

For their 20th anniversary, the Graph Drawing Symposium has issued a computer game development contest with relevance to graph drawing. All attendees of the Graph Drawing Symposium in Redmond, Washington, have been invited to play all the submitted games and to score them. The iPad game CrossingX, developed by Tobias Brinkjost for his Diploma thesis, convinced the audience and did get the first prize of the contest. More information is available on

2019-02-21 14:15

Gast vom MPI Saarbrücken

Vom 16.10-17.10.2014 besucht uns Pat Nicholson vom MPI Saarbrücken. Am Donnerstag (16.10.) um 16:15 wird er in 202 über “Encodings of Range Maximum-Sum Segment Queries and Applications” vortragen.

2019-02-21 14:15

Dr. Maria Knobelsdorf - Vertetungsprofessur

Frau Dr. Maria Knobelsdorf wird im Wintersemester 2012/2013 die Veranstaltungen von Prof. Jan Vahrenhold übernehmen. Momentan ist sie unter folgender Email-Adresse zu erreichen:

2019-02-21 14:15
Last modified: 2015-09-08 15:53 (external edit)