
Best Paper Award auf der GECCO 2009

Der Artikel Modeling evolutionary fitness for DNA motif discovery von Sven Rahmann, Tobias Marschall, Frank Behler und Oliver Kramer, der auf der GECCO 2009 (Genetic And Evolutionary Computation Conference) in Montréal erschienen ist, erhielt dort den Best Paper Award in der Kategorie Computational Biology und Bioinformatics. Der Artikel ging aus der Diplomarbeit von Frank Behler hervor.

Das Photo zeigt Christian Horoba vom Lehrstuhl II (Best Paper Award in der Kategorie Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization) und Sven Rahmann vom Lehrstuhl XI mit den GECCO-Medaillen.

2019-02-21 14:15

New EURO Journal on Computational Optimization

The EURO Journal on Computational Optimization is about to start. The editorial management system has already been set-up, papers can be submitted from now on. The new Journal will be run by the EURO association, and has been set up to publish original research articles in which Operations Research and Computer Science are connected. Submissions on advanced applications in computational optimization focusing on mathematical models, methodologies, or computational results are welcome. The editorial board consists of leading international scientists of the optimization community. Editor-in-Chief is Professor Dr. Martine Labbe from Universite Libre de Brussels, Professor Dr. Petra Mutzel has been appointed as editor.

2019-02-21 14:15

Markus Lohrey (Uni Siegen) Gast am Lehrstuhl

Am 2.12.2014 besucht uns Markus Lohrey von der Universität Siegen und hält um 16:15 einen Vortrag über “Grammar-based tree compression”. Ort: OH12, Raum 1.055.


Grammar-based string compression has emerged to an active research topic in data compression and string algorithmics. The idea is to code a long text by a context-free grammar that only generates the text. This allows to share repeated subpatterns in texts and leads in the best case to an exponential compression ratio.

One of the attractive features of grammar-based compression is that it can be generalized from strings to other data structures assuming suitable grammatical formalisms exist for the specific data structures. For trees, one can use context-free tree grammars for compression, which are natural generalization of context-free string grammars to trees. In the talk, I will give a survey on recent results on grammar-based tree compression. We will see (i) theoretical bounds on the compression ratio achievable by grammar-based tree compression, (ii) algorithms working on grammar-compressed trees, and (iii) applications in the area of XML compression.

2019-02-21 14:15

Jahrgangsbestenpreis 2012

Im Rahmen der Akademischen Jahresfeier 2012 wurden auch dieses Mal wieder Preise für die jahrgangsbesten Absolventen jeder Fakultät verliehen. Der mit 500€ dotierte Jahrgangsbestenpreis 2012 der Fakultät für Informatik ging an unseren Mitarbeiter Herrn Dipl.-Inf. Denis Kurz.

2019-02-21 14:15
Last modified: 2015-09-08 15:53 (external edit)