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Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize at ISMP 2018
The Beale–Orchard-Hays Prize 2018 has been awarded to Liuqin Yang, Defeng Sun, and Kim-Chuan Toh for their paper on SDPNAL+, which describes a new method for semidefinite programming with nonnegative constraints (Mathematical Programming Computation 2015). The prize, which is awarded for excellence in computational mathematical programming has been presented at the 23rd International Symposium for Mathematical Programming (ISMP) in Bordeaux in July 2018.
The prize committee 2018 Tobias Achterberg, Michael Grant (chair), Jeffrey Linderoth, Petra Mutzel, and Ted Ralphs selected the winners from several worthy nominations. Every three years the Beale–Orchard-Hays Prize will be considered; it is awarded by the Mathematical Optimization Society.
Timo Bingmann visiting
Timo Bingmann from KIT will be visiting from October 10 to October 11 and give a talk on “Thrill: High-Performance Algorithmic Distributed Batch Data Processing with C++” in OH14 R202 on October 10 at 14:00.
Abstract - We present on-going work on a new distributed Big Data processing framework called Thrill. It is a C++ framework consisting of a set of basic scalable algorithmic primitives like mapping, reducing, sorting, merging, joining, and additional MPI-like collectives. This set of primitives goes beyond traditional Map/Reduce and can be combined into larger more complex algorithms, such as WordCount, PageRank, k-means clustering, and suffix sorting. These complex algorithms can then be run on very large inputs using a distributed computing cluster. Among the main design goals of Thrill is to lose very little performance when composing primitives such that small data types are well supported. Thrill thus raises the questions of a) how to design algorithms using the scalable primitives, b) whether additional primitives should be added, and c) if one can improve the existing ones using new ideas to reduce communication volume and how they can be scaled to very large cluster sizes.
Juha Kärkkäinen visiting
Juha Kärkkäinen from Helsinki University will be visiting from June 26 to June 29 and give a talk on “Quadratic-work construction of terabyte-scale text indexes” on June 26 at 16:15.
Cover Feature for our work on virtual molecule library
Jointly with the group of Oliver Koch (Medizinische Chemie, CCB) we got the Cover Feature
for the June 2018 edition of ChemMedChem presenting our work on
the new virtual molecule library CHIPMUNK. The library contains about 100 million small molecules
that have been generated with in silicon reactions on accessible building blocks and analysed with
their profile. The artwork (three chipmunks analysing the molecule library) has been produced by Melanie Winkelmann (MPI of Molecular Physiology). More information can be found in: Lina Humbeck, Sebastian Weigang, Till Schäfer, Petra Mutzel, Oliver Koch, CHIPMUNK: A Virtual Synthesizable Small‐Molecule Library for Medicinal Chemistry, Exploitable for Protein–Protein Interaction Modulators, ChemMedChem 6/2018.