Department of Computer Science
Chair of Algorithm Engineering (Ls11)
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Günter Rudolph
Picture of Günter Rudolph (August 2000) Prof. Dr. Günter Rudolph

Computational Intelligence Research Group
Chair of Algorithm Engineering (LS XI)
Department of Computer Science
TU Dortmund University
Otto-Hahn-Str. 14
44227 Dortmund / Germany

Tel.: +49-231-755-7702
Fax: +49-231-755-7740

Office hour: Tuesday 10:30am - 11:30am / Room 2.32 (OH 14)


  • Office hours on Tuesday: (green = yes; red = no; blue = on appointment; yellow = undecided)
    Note: A red box in this table indicates
    that the regular office hour on that
    Tuesday is cancelled; it does not
    mean anything about my availability
    on this day or the associated week!
     (last update: 28th December 2024)

  • Additional office hours - in justified cases - by appointment (send email or give me a call).
  • Oral exams by appointment (visit me),
    but only in Practical Optimization; also see note below.
  • Attention! Changes in Module Description (effective from Winter Term 2014/15)
    - Module INF-BSc-305 Einführung in die Computational Intelligence: now written instead of oral exam
    - Module AR-MSc-306 Computational Intelligence: now written instead of oral exam

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