Tutorial for the lecture Introduction to Computational Intelligence
Winter 2009/10
16.15 - 17.00
OH14, room 304
16.15 - 17.00
OH14, room 104
The tutorials start on October 28, 2009.
The lecture ist given by Günter Rudolph. The tutorial is given by Nicola Beume.
Teaching is in English.
There is an inpud forum
where you can discuss topics of the lecture and the tutorial.
Students who passed the tutorial have been informed via e-mail.
Your certificates are now available at our secretary's office: Ms. Gundel Jankord, Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, room 239.
Please bring an ID card with you.
Passing the Tutorial
Handle the sheets and return your solutions after a week in the lecture or send them to Nicola by e-mail as one single pdf-file (please make sure that subject, filename, and file contain appropriate information about you and the exercise).
In case of programming exercises, please send your source code by e-mail as a zip-file including instructions how to compile and execute your program, and a short description how it works and what it produces.
The sheets are classified into three blocks (each with 4 sheets) according to the three main topics of the lecture.
In each block, you need to achieve at least 50% of the points.
Present your solutions to your colleagues during the tutorial lessons.
You may work together in groups of up to three persons. Each group member has to be able to present the solutions.
Your presence during the tutorial lessons in mandatory. You may be absent two times without medical certificate.