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Important links:

Delivery Address

Technische Universität Dortmund
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Algorithm Engineering (LS11)
Otto-Hahn-Str. 14
44227 Dortmund

Postal Address

Technische Universität Dortmund
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Algorithm Engineering (LS11)
44221 Dortmund


Gundel Jankord & Bettina Prenneis
Room 239
Tel.: +49 231 755-7701
Fax.: +49 231 755-7740

Directions for Traveling

By Car

If you arrive via autobahn A45, take the exit DO-Eichlinghofen/Universität. If you arrive via B1, take the exit DO-Dorstfeld/Universität. If you navigate by GPS, use the address Otto-Hahn-Str. 16 (which is next door) as some devices don't know about nr. 14, yet.

By Train

From Dortmund central station, take the railway S1 to Dortmund Universität. Alternatively, a taxi rank can be found at the main exit. The drive takes about 20 minutes.

See also the information on timetables provided by the VRR.

By Plane

From Düsseldorf Airport, take the railway S1 to TU Dortmund. A ticket of price category D is needed (12,50 €) and the trip takes roughly 80 minutes. Get more information. For an arrival at Dortmund airport, see the airport's website.

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Last modified: 2021-01-27 16:13 by Bettina Gemke