
(updated September 11th)
The timetable for workshops at Saturday 13th can be found here.
The timetable for tutorials at Sunday 14th can be found here.
The timetable for invited speeches before the morning poster sessions can be found here.
Procedure of presentation
Each poster session starts with a short plenary introduction (20 min.)
of the presented papers where the session chair shortly mentions the
main results of each paper. The poster presentation is located in a
different room where the posters have to be suspended on movable walls
before the session. The presenters of the posters shall stand next to
their poster and be prepared to talk about their work and answering
specific questions.
Poster schedule
Monday 15th |
Session M.A: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm |
Session chair: Günter Rudolph |
On the Behaviour of the (1+1)-ES for a Simple Constrained Problem |
Arnold, Dirk; Brauer, Daniel |
σ-Self-Adaptive Weighted Multirecombination Evolution Strategy with Scaled Weights on the Noisy Sphere |
Beyer, Hans-Georg; Melkozerov, Alexander |
When Does Quasi-random Work? |
Teytaud, Olivier |
Fitness Expectation Maximization |
Wierstra, Daan; Schaul, Tom; Peters, Jan; Schmidhuber, Jürgen |
Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Environments: Prediction Using Linear Regression and Markov Chains |
Simões, Anabela; Costa, Ernesto |
Evolving Neural Networks for Online Reinforcement Learning |
Metzen, Jan H.; Edgington, Mark; Kassahun, Yohannes; Kirchner, Frank |
The Generalisation Ability of a Selection Architecture for Genetic Programming |
Jackson, David |
Cooperation in Co-evolving Networks: the Prisoner's Dilemma and Stag-Hunt Games |
Pestelacci, Enea; Tomassini, Marco |
Analyzing Hypervolume Indicator Based Algorithms |
Brockhoff, Dimo; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank |
Solving Three-Objective Optimization Problems Using a New Hybrid Cellular Genetic Algorithm |
Durillo, Juan J.; Nebro, Antonio J.; Luna, Francisco; Alba, Enrique |
Modeling Human Expertise on a Cheese Ripening Industrial Process Using GP |
Barrière, Olivier; Lutton, Evelyne; Baudrit, Cedric; Sicard, Mariette; Pinaud, Bruno; Perrot, Nathalie |
Readable and Accurate Rulesets with ORGA |
Daud, M.N. Ridzuan; Corne, David W. |
A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for the Linear Shelf Space Allocation Problem |
Esparcia-Alcázar, Anna I.; Martínez-García, Ana I.; Albarracín-Guillem, Jose M.; Palmer-Gato, Marta E.; Merelo, Juan J.; Sharman, Ken C.; Alfaro-Cid, Eva |
Optimizing Real-Time Ordered-Data Broadcasts in Pervasive Environments Using Evolution Strategy |
Dewri, Rinku; Whitley, Darrell; Ray, Indrajit; Ray, Indrakshi |
Session M.B: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm |
Session chair: Simon Lucas |
Premature Convergence in Constrained Continuous Search Spaces |
Kramer, Oliver |
On Multiplicative Noise Models for Stochastic Search |
Jebalia, Mohamed; Auger, Anne |
Adaptive Encoding: How to Render Search Coordinate System Invariant |
Hansen, Nikolaus |
Enhancing the Efficiency of the ECGA |
Duque, Thyago S.P.C.; Goldberg, David E.; Sastry, Kumara |
A Developmental Approach to the Uncapacitated Examination Timetabling Problem |
Pillay, Nelishia; Banzhaf, Wolfgang |
Evolvable Agents in Static and Dynamic Optimization Problems |
Laredo, Juan L.J.; Castillo Valdivieso, Pedro A.; Mora, Antonio M.; Merelo, Juan J.; Rosa, Agostinho; Fernandes, Carlos |
The Impact of Global Structure on Search |
Lunacek, Monte; Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew |
Improved Lower Limits for Pheromone Trails in Ant Colony Optimization |
Matthews, David C. |
Runtime Analyses for Using Fairness in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization |
Friedrich, Tobias; Horoba, Christian; Neumann, Frank |
The Parallel Predator-Prey Model: A Step towards Practical Application |
Grimme, Christian; Lepping, Joachim; Papaspyrou, Alexander |
Distance Based Ranking in Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization |
Mostaghim, Sanaz; Schmeck, Hartmut |
A Distributed Memetic Algorithm for the Routing and Wavelength Assignment Problem |
Fischer, Thomas; Bauer, Kerstin; Merz, Peter |
Theoretical Analysis of Initial Particle Swarm Behavior |
Helwig, Sabine; Wanka, Rolf |
Nature-inspired Synthesis of Rational Protocols |
Alcaide, Almudena; Tapiador, Juan M. E.; Hernández-Castro, Julio C.; Ribagorda, Arturo |
A Memetic Algorithm for the Delineation of Local Labour Markets |
Flórez-Revuelta, Francisco; Casado-Díaz, José M.; Martínez-Bernabeu, Lucas; Gómez-Hernández, Raúl |
Session M.C: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm |
Session chair: Günter Rudolph |
Convergence Analysis of Evolution Strategies with Random Numbers of Offspring |
François, Olivier |
A Blend of Markov-Chain and Drift Analysis |
Jägersküpper, Jens |
Enhancing the Performance of Maximum-Likelihood Gaussian EDAs Using Anticipated Mean Shift |
Bosman, Peter A.N.; Grahl, Jörn; Thierens, Dirk |
New Approaches to Coevolutionary Worst-Case Optimization |
Branke, Jürgen; Rosenbusch, Johanna |
Enhancing Efficiency of Hierarchical BOA Via Distance-Based Model Restrictions |
Hauschild, Mark; Pelikan, Martin |
Evolution Strategies for Direct Policy Search |
Heidrich-Meisner, Verena; Igel, Christian |
Optimal Nesting of Species for Exact Cover: Many against Many |
Horn, Jeffrey |
Nonsynonymous to Synonymous Substitution Ratio ka/ks: Measurement for Rate of Evolution in Evolutionary Computation |
Hu, Ting; Banzhaf, Wolfgang |
Functional-Specialization Multi-Objective Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm: FS-MOGA |
Hamada, Naoki; Sakuma, Jun; Kobayashi, Shigenobu; Ono, Isao |
Investigations into the Effect of Multiobjectivization in Protein Structure Prediction |
Handl, Julia; Lovell, Simon C.; Knowles, Joshua D. |
A Local Search Based Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Approach for Fast and Accurate Convergence |
Sindhya, Karthik; Deb, Kalyanmoy; Miettinen, Kaisa |
Large-Scale Optimization of Non-separable Building-Block Problems |
Iclanzan, David; Dumitrescu, Dumitru |
Particle Filter with Swarm Move for Optimization |
Ji, Chunlin; Zhang, Yangyang; Tong, Mengmeng; Yang, Shengxiang |
Evolving XSLT Stylesheets for Document Transformation |
García-Sánchez, Pablo; Merelo, Juan J.; Laredo, Juan L.J.; Mora, Antonio M.; Castillo Valdivieso, Pedro Á. |
Fast Multi-objective Scheduling of Jobs to Constrained Resources Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm |
Jakob, Wilfried; Quinte, Alexander; Stucky, Karl-Uwe; Süß, Wolfgang |
Tuesday 16th |
Session T.A: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm |
Session chair: Carlo Poloni |
Multiobjectivization by Decomposition of Scalar Cost Functions |
Handl, Julia; Lovell, Simon C.; Knowles, Joshua D. |
Approximating Minimum Multicuts by Evolutionary Multi-objective Algorithms |
Neumann, Frank; Reichel, Joachim |
Covariance Matrix Adaptation Revisited - The CMSA Evolution Strategy |
Beyer, Hans-Georg; Sendhoff, Bernhard |
Extreme Value Based Adaptive Operator Selection |
Fialho, Álvaro; Da Costa, Luís; Schoenauer, Marc; Sebag, Michèle |
Examining the Effect of Elitism in Cellular Genetic Algorithms Using Two Neighborhood Structures |
Ishibuchi, Hisao; Tsukamoto, Noritaka; Nojima, Yusuke |
Costs and Benefits of Tuning Parameters of Evolutionary Algorithms |
Nannen, Volker; Smit, Selmar K.; Eiben, Agoston E. |
How Single Ant ACO Systems Optimize Pseudo-Boolean Functions |
Doerr, Benjamin; Johannsen, Daniel; Tang, Ching H. |
Reinforcement Learning: Insights from Interesting Failures in Parameter Selection |
Konen, Wolfgang; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas |
On the Use of Projected Gradients for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems |
Hernández-Díaz, Alfredo G.; Coello Coello, Carlos A.; Santana-Quintero, Luis V.; Perez, Fatima; Molina, Julian; Caballero, Rafael |
Diversity Maintenance Mechanism for Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms Using Clustering and Network Inversion |
Hiroyasu, Tomoyuki; Kobayashi, Kenji; Nishioka, Masashi; Miki, Mitsunori |
A Feasibility-Preserving Crossover and Mutation Operator for Constrained Combinatorial Problems |
Lukasiewycz, Martin; Glaß, Michael; Teich, Jürgen |
A Set-Based Particle Swarm Optimization Method |
Veenhuis, Christian B. |
Virus Evolution Strategy for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows |
Kanoh, Hitoshi; Tsukahara, Souichi |
Evolving Regular Expressions for GeneChip Probe Performance Prediction |
Langdon, William B.; Harrison, Andrew P. |
A Grouping Genetic Algorithm Using Linear Linkage Encoding for Bin Packing |
Ülker, Özgur; Korkmaz, Emin Erkan; Özcan, Ender |
Session T.B: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Session chair: Thomas Jansen |
Simplified Drift Analysis for Proving Lower Bounds in Evolutionary Computation |
Oliveto, Pietro S.; Witt, Carsten |
Uncertainty Handling in Model Selection for Support Vector Machines |
Glasmachers, Tobias; Igel, Christian |
A Simple Modification in CMA-ES Achieving Linear Time and Space Complexity |
Ros, Raymond; Hansen, Nikolaus |
Bio-inspired Search and Distributed Memory Formation on Power-Law Networks |
Das, Tathagata; Nandi, Subrata; Deutsch, Andreas; Ganguly, Niloy |
Parameter Control Methods for Selection Operators in Genetic Algorithms |
Vajda, Péter; Eiben, Agoston E.; Hordijk, Wiebe |
Actuation Constraints and Artificial Physics Control |
Ellis, Chris; Wiegand, R. Paul |
Genetic Repair for Optimization under Constraints Inspired by Arabidopsis Thaliana |
FitzGerald, Amy; O'Donoghue, Diarmuid P. |
Improved Multilabel Classification with Neural Networks |
Grodzicki, Rafał; Mańdziuk, Jacek; Wang, Lipo |
A Proposal to Hybridize Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Non-gradient Mathematical Programming Techniques |
Zapotecas Martínez, Saúl; Coello Coello, Carlos A. |
SPAM: Set Preference Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization |
Zitzler, Eckart; Thiele, Lothar; Bader, Johannes |
Many Objective Optimisation: Direct Objective Boundary Identification |
Hughes, Evan J. |
An Iterated Local Search Approach for Finding Provably Good Solutions for Very Large TSP Instances |
Merz, Peter; Huhse, Jutta |
Learning Fuzzy Rules with Evolutionary Algorithms-An Analytic Approach |
Kroeske, Jens; Ghandar, Adam; Michalewicz, Zbigniew; Neumann, Frank |
Evolutionary Market Agents for Resource Allocation in Decentralised Systems |
Lewis, Peter R.; Marrow, Paul; Yao, Xin |
Optimization of Feature Processing Chain in Music Classification by Evolution Strategies |
Vatolkin, Igor; Theimer, Wolfgang |
Session T.C: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm |
Session chair: Simon Lucas |
Rigorous Runtime Analysis of Inversely Fitness Proportional Mutation Rates |
Zarges, Christine |
Niche Radius Adaptation with Asymmetric Sharing |
van der Goes, Vincent; Shir, Ofer M.; Bäck, Thomas |
Supervised and Unsupervised Evolutionary Learning of Echo State Networks |
Jiang, Fei; Berry, Hugues; Schoenauer, Marc |
Dynamic Cooperative Coevolutionary Sensor Deployment Via Localized Fitness Evaluation |
Jiang, Xingyan; Chen, Yuanzhu P.; Yu, Tina |
Formally Testing Liveness by Means of Compression Rates |
Andrés, César; Rodríguez, Ismael; Rubio, Fernando |
How a Generative Encoding Fares as Problem-Regularity Decreases |
Clune, Jeff; Ofria, Charles; Pennock, Robert T. |
Sub-tree Swapping Crossover, Allele Diffusion and GP Convergence |
Dignum, Stephen; Poli, Riccardo |
EA-Powered Basin Number Estimation by Means of Preservation and Exploration |
Stoean, Catalin L.; Preuss, Mike; Stoean, Ruxandra; Dumitrescu, Dumitru |
Team Algorithms Based on Ant Colony Optimization. A New Multi-Objective Optimization Approach |
Lezcano, Cristian; Pinto, Diego P.; Barán, Benjamín |
Multiobjective Optimization on a Limited Budget of Evaluations Using Model-Assisted S-Metric Selection |
Ponweiser, Wolfgang; Wagner, Tobias; Biermann, Dirk; Vincze, Markus |
A Study of Convergence Speed in Multi-objective Metaheuristics |
Nebro, Antonio J.; Durillo, Juan J.; Coello Coello, Carlos A.; Luna, Francisco; Alba, Enrique |
Intrinsic System Model of the Genetic Algorithm with α-Selection |
Neubauer, André |
GA-Net: A Genetic Algorithm for Community Detection in Social Networks |
Pizzuti, Clara |
Learning Walking Patterns for Kinematically Complex Robots Using Evolution Strategies |
Römmermann, Malte; Edgington, Mark; Metzen, Jan H.; de Gea, Jose; Kassahun, Yohannes; Kirchner, Frank |
Wednesday 17th |
Session W.A: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm |
Session chair: Carlo Poloni |
Lower Bounds for Evolution Strategies Using VC-Dimension |
Fournier, Hervé; Teytaud, Olivier |
On the Run-Time Dynamics of a Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithm |
Laredo, Juan L.J.; Eiben, Agoston E.; van Steen, Maarten; Merelo, Juan J. |
Mixed-Integer Evolution Strategies with Dynamic Niching |
Li, Rui; Eggermont, Jeroen; Shir, Ofer M.; Emmerich, Michael T.M.; Bäck, Thomas; Dijkstra, Jouke; Reiber, Johan H.C. |
A Compass to Guide Genetic Algorithms |
Maturana, Jorge; Saubion, Frédéric |
A Steady-State Genetic Algorithm with Resampling for Noisy Inventory Control |
Prestwich, Steven D.; Tarim, S. Armagan; Rossi, Roberto; Hnich, Brahim |
Preventing Premature Convergence in a Simple EDA Via Global Step Size Setting |
Pošík, Petr |
Coevolving Cellular Automata with Memory for Chemical Computing: Boolean Logic Gates in the BZ Reaction |
Stone, Christopher; Toth, Rita; de Lacy Costello, Ben; Adamatzky, Andrew; Bull, Larry |
The Influence of Mutation on Protein-Ligand Docking Optimization: A Locality Analysis |
Tavares, Jorge; Tantar, Alexandru-Adrian; Melab, Nouredine; Talbi, El-Ghazali |
A Convergence Criterion for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Systematic Statistical Testing |
Trautmann, Heike; Ligges, Uwe; Mehnen, Jörn; Preuss, Mike |
Approximating the Knee of an MOP with Stochastic Search Algorithms |
Schütze, Oliver; Laumanns, Marco; Coello Coello, Carlos A. |
Imitation Learning in Uncertain Environments |
Priesterjahn, Steffen; Eberling, Markus |
Driving Cars by Means of Genetic Algorithms |
Saez, Yago; Perez, Diego; Sanjuan, Oscar; Isasi, Pedro |
AGE-P: A Platform for Open Evolution |
Salomon, Ralf; Goldmann, Stefan |
QFCS: A Fuzzy LCS in Continuous Multi-step Environments with Continuous Vector Actions |
Ramírez-Ruiz, José; Valenzuela-Rendón, Manuel; Terashima-Marín, Hugo |
Session W.B: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Session chair: Thomas Jansen |
Ignoble Trails - Where Crossover Is Provably Harmful |
Richter, J. Neal; Wright, Alden; Paxton, John |
Testing the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis: Effect of Asynchronous Population Incorporation on Multi-Deme Evolutionary Algorithms |
Merelo, Juan J.; Mora, Antonio; Castillo, Pedro A.; Laredo, Juan L.J.; Araujo, Lourdes; Sharman, Ken C.; Esparcia Alcázar, Anna I.; Alfaro-Cid, Eva; Cotta, Carlos |
Combination of Natural and Numerical Optimization Methods at the Example of an Internal Gas Turbine Cooling Channel |
Steinbrück, Helga; Zehner, Sebastian; Neumann, S. Olaf; Weigand, Bernhard |
Testing the CAX on a Real-World Problem and Other Benchmarks |
Tchougang, Ariel; Blansché, Alexandre; Baumes, Laurent; Lachiche, Nicolas; Collet, Pierre |
Countering Poisonous Inputs with Memetic Neuroevolution |
Togelius, Julian; Schaul, Tom; Schmidhuber, Jürgen; Gomez, Faustino |
Evaluation and Diversity in Co-evolution |
van Wijngaarden, Rients P.T.; de Jong, Edwin D. |
Comparison of Adaptive Approaches for Differential Evolution |
Zielinski, Karin; Wang, Xinwei; Laur, Rainer |
Use of Heuristic Local Search for Single-Objective Optimization in Multiobjective Memetic Algorithms |
Ishibuchi, Hisao; Hitotsuyanagi, Yasuhiro; Tsukamoto, Noritaka; Nojima, Yusuke |
Approximate Solutions in Space Mission Design |
Schütze, Oliver; Vasile, Massimiliano; Coello Coello, Carlos A. |
Using Ants' Task Division for Better Game Engines. A Contribution to Game Accessibility for Impaired Players |
Sepchat, Alexis; Clair, Romain; Monmarché, Nicolas; Slimane, Mohamed |
Adding Probabilistic Dependencies to the Search of Protein Side Chain Configurations Using EDAs |
Santana, Roberto; Larrañaga, Pedro; Lozano, Jose A. |
A Scalable Formal Framework for Analyzing the Behavior of Nature-Inspired Routing Protocols |
Shahzad, Muhammad; Zahid, Saira; Farooq, Muddassar |