This is an old revision of the document!

12.2017: Job offer for a student assisitant (8h/week)
12.2017: The program of SIGMA #41 on 20.12 is online
07.2017: The course on music data analysis based on the textbook Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications will again take place at TU Dortmund, Department of Statistics in September 2017
05.2017: Tutorial "Automatisierte Methoden der Musikverarbeitung" in Chemnitz, 25.09.2017
03.2017: Call for papers for German-speaking workshop "Musik trifft Informatik" in Chemnitz, 26.09.2017
02.2017: Student project group PG 607: The Reactive Jukebox will start in summer term 2017
01.2017: Two papers accepted for EvoMUSART 2017: "Generalisation Performance of Western Instrument Recognition Models in Polyphonic Mixtures with Ethnic Samples",
"Evaluation Rules for Evolutionary Generation of Drum Patterns in Jazz Solos"
12.2016: Exercises manual is now available for music data analysis textbook
10.2016: Call for papers for GECCO 2017 in Berlin with Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts (DETA) track
10.2016: Proseminars Actual challenges in music data analysis and Computational Intelligence in games started
09.2016: Interdisciplinary course on music data analysis based on the textbook Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications took place at TU Dortmund
01.2015: Paper "Interpretability of Music Classification as a Criterion for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Feature Selection" is accepted for EvoMUSART 2015
12.2014: Paper "Exploration of Two-Objective Scenarios on Supervised Evolutionary Feature Selection: a Survey and a Case Study (Application to Music Categorisation)" is accepted for EMO 2015
10.2014: Proseminar Established and actual approaches in feature selection started
01.2014: Call for abstracts for Statistical Musicology at ECDA 2013
07.2013: Project group 577 "Music recommender systems - automatic generation of playlists for music discovery" will start in winter term 2013/2014 (see list of project groups)
06.2013: PhD Improving Supervised Music Classification by Means of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Feature Selection is available online
07.2012: Soft Computing article about feature selection for music instrument recognition is available online
04.2012: Project group 554 "Mobile music games" is finished: poster
03.2012: Call for abstracts for Music Session at GfKl 2012
11.2011: Project group 554 "Mobile music games" presented a poster at Alumni day
04.2011: SIGMA organizes Music Classification Workshop during joint GfKl/DAGM conference
03.2011: Paper "Multi-Objective Feature Selection in Music Genre and Style Recognition Tasks" is accepted for GECCO 2011
12.2010: The web page about the activities of the Special Interest Group on Music Analysis has been launched. You can subscribe to the RSS feed to be updated with recent news
10.2010: Project group "Mobile music worlds – explorative games for navigation through digital music collections" is accepted and will start in summer term 2011
05.2010: Talk accepted for GfKl 2010
01.2010: Talk accepted for DAGSTAT 2010
10.2009: Seminar Creative Algorithms

Last modified: 2021-03-28 17:18 by igor.vatolkin