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staff:herlez [2019-04-01 09:27]
staff:herlez [2022-08-08 14:48] (current)
herlez [Contact]
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 ===== Contact ===== ===== Contact =====
-| Room: | OH14, 2024 +{{ :​staff:​alex.jpg?​nolink&​200|}} 
-| Phone: | +49 231 755 7748 |+| Room: | OH14, 224 
 +| Phone: | +49 231 755 7800 |
 | E-Mail: | alexander.herlez{{:​staff:​at.gif|}}tu-dortmund.de| | E-Mail: | alexander.herlez{{:​staff:​at.gif|}}tu-dortmund.de|
 | Consultation hours: | on appointment (E-Mail) | | Consultation hours: | on appointment (E-Mail) |
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 ===== Theses ===== ===== Theses =====
   * **[[https://​ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/​fischer/​abschlussarbeiten/​lce|Implementierung und Auswertung einer Datenstruktur für LCEs]]** (German) \\ // Supervised by Johannes Fischer and Florian Kurpicz// \\ Bachelor'​s Thesis, Dortmund, 2019   * **[[https://​ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/​fischer/​abschlussarbeiten/​lce|Implementierung und Auswertung einer Datenstruktur für LCEs]]** (German) \\ // Supervised by Johannes Fischer and Florian Kurpicz// \\ Bachelor'​s Thesis, Dortmund, 2019
 +  * **Distributed Text Indexing with Batched Queries** \\ // Supervised by Johannes Fischer and Florian Kurpicz// \\ Master'​s Thesis, Dortmund, 2022
 +===== Publications =====
 +=== Refereed Conference Proceedings ===
 +  * **[[https://​doi.org/​10.4230/​LIPIcs.ESA.2020.39|Practical Performance of Space Efficient Data Structures for Longest Common Extensions]]**\\ // Patrick Dinklage, Johannes Fischer, Alexander Herlez, Tomasz Kociumaka, Florian Kurpicz// \\ European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2020), Schloss Dagstuhl, 39:1-39:20.
 +  * **[[https://​doi.org/​10.4230/​LIPIcs.SEA.2021.7|Engineering Predecessor Data Structures for Dynamic Integer Sets]]** ([[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2104.06740|arXiv version]]) ([[http://​sci.pdinklag.de/​slides/​conferences/​SEA21%20-%20Engineering%20Predecessor%20Data%20Structures%20for%20Dynamic%20Integer%20Sets.pdf|SEA 2021 slides]])\\ // Patrick Dinklage, Johannes Fischer, Alexander Herlez// \\ Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2021), Schloss Dagstuhl, 7:1-7:19.
Last modified: 2019-04-01 09:27 (external edit)