On this page you can download software that can be used to produce gazeplots on video material. The software was originally produced to be used by students taking the course Diagnose und individualle Förderung. During this course the students recorded and analysed pupils activities while performing programming tasks. Eyetracking was used to show the students, what a learner would focus on, during programming.
The software suite consists of two programs:
To use the Gazelogger, you need to run the gazepoint API or another software that connects to the eyetracking hardware. This software has to provide a TCP-server that communicates in accordance to the Open Gaze API by Gazepoint.
The Gazelogger provides a GUI that is used to begin and end the logging process. Logs are created in the directoy from which the program has been started.
The Gazeplotter internally uses the program ffmpeg to transcode video files. Since it is not included in the download above, you need to obtain it elsewhere. To allow the Gazeplotter accessing it, you can either add its directory to the PATH or provide its location via an argument (see below for details).
In each case you need to provide the program with a video file and a gazelog. If these fines are names input.avi and gazelog.glog respectively, aou can start the plotting process with
java -jar GazePlotter.jar
otherwise provide the files by using the arguments -i and -g:
java -jar GazePlotter.jar -i inputfile -g gazelogfile
You can use the following options to further configure the plotting process:
Option | Parameter | Default | Description |
-h | - | - | Prints help text that describes usable arguments |
-fp | path | ffmpeg | Path to access ffmpeg |
-i | path | input.avi | Path to file that will be overlayed with plot |
-o | path | algorith name | Path to file that will be written as output |
-g | path | gazelog.glog | Path to file from which eyetracking data will be loaded |
-sa | algorithm | MEAN_8 | Algorithm to be used during plotting (see below) |
-r | rate | 30 | Framerate to be used as transcoding target |
-ts | seconds | 0 | Amount of seconds (decimal point allowed) to be skipped at the beginning of the input video |
Available plotting algorithms (can be optained with argument -sa LIST):
Algorithm name | Description |
RAW | Plot recorded points without preprocessing |
MEAN_4 | Replace raw coordinates with mean position of the last 4 points* |
MEAN_8 | Replace raw coordinates with mean position of the last 8 points* |
MEAN_16 | Replace raw coordinates with mean position of the last 16 points* |
*From the described points the subset is used that contains only valid points