Game-Benchmark for Evolutionary Algorithms


Submit game-related problems

If you have been working on a game-related problem that could potentially be solved with evolutionary algorithms, please consider talking to us, so we can include it into the benchmark. The more diverse problems we have, the better will the resulting benchmark be. Plus, you'll receive solutions to your problem from state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms. On top of that, you'll learn more about the characteristics of your problem (Feel free to let us know what characteristics you are interested in). For more details, check out the documentation!
Submission formats

You can provide in any of the three following formats, depending on what suits you best and how much information you can make available to us.

  • Server: Host your problem on your own server and make its responses accessible via our interface.
  • Code: Give us access to your problem by making an executable or the code available to us.
  • Data: We send you a set of samples in search space (50 per dimension) and you send us your results. Based on the data, we approximate a surrogate function to use in the benchmark.
Problem types

These are some of the suitable problem types for EA algorithms that we have come across in the past. However you are very welcome to submit a completely different game-related problem.


You can submit an abstract about your problem to be considered for publication in the GECCO companion. Submitting an abstract is not required, however, if you do so, please also submit your corresponding problem. If you are planning to submit an abstract, consider including some of the following information:

  • What is your submitted problem and underlying game about?
  • Is there an obvious way to scale search or objective space?
  • Do you know any characteristics of the game?
  • What approaches have been tried before and how did they perform?
  • Is there an obvious way to generate similar problems (instances), e.g. with different levels /seeds?

Join our discussion

The game-benchmark is not set in stone. There are several issues that still need to be discussed, for GBEA and for benchmarking in general. Join our discussion!

Attend events

Check our upcoming events to join us for in-person workshops and tutorials. Looking forward to a fruitful discussion and a hopefully steadily growing and improving benchmark resulting from it! You can also find material and reports from our previous events.

Give us your feedback

If you have questions or feedback, please let us know through the form below! Or send us an email at