base — Basic Operations and Objects

Basic infrastructure for DFO methods.

class dfoalgos.base.Observable

Part of the Observer/Observable design pattern.


Add observer to the list of observers.

Parameters:observer (callable) – The object to be informed about changes.

Remove observer from the list of observers.

Parameters:observer (callable) – The object to be informed about changes.

Inform the observers about a potential state change.


Calculate the center of mass of the given points.

dfoalgos.base.create_nash_simplex(position, size_param=0.1)

Create a simplex according to the rule of John C. Nash.

This construction method is described in [Nash1990], pp. 168-178. It is also the default in the Nelder-Mead implementation of the statistical programming language R, which can be called through the function optim() of the R standard library.

  • position (iterable) – The position being used as location vector for the simplex. In this construction, position is the vertex in the simplex closest to the origin.
  • size_param (float, optional) – For each coordinate, a fraction of the maximal absolute value in position is added to it. This value is the fraction.

simplex – A list containing len(position) + 1 points.

Return type:

list of list


[Nash1990]John C. Nash (1990). Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation, second edition, Taylor & Francis.
dfoalgos.base.create_pfeffer_simplex(position, size_param=0.05)

Create a simplex according to the rule of Lawrence E. Pfeffer.

This construction method is the default in Matlab’s fminsearch() and SciPy’s scipy.optimize.fmin(). According to [Fan2002], p. 73, this approach was proposed by Lawrence E. Pfeffer at Stanford.

  • position (iterable) – The position being used as location vector for the simplex. In this construction, position is the vertex in the simplex closest to the origin.
  • size_param (float, optional) – For each coordinate, a fraction of itself is added to it. This value is the fraction.

simplex – A list containing len(position) + 1 points.

Return type:

list of list


[Fan2002]Ellen Fan (2002). Global optimization of Lennard-Jones atomic clusters. Master’s thesis, McMaster University.
dfoalgos.base.create_standard_basis(dimension, scale_factor=1.0)

Create an orthogonal, maximal, positive basis.

dfoalgos.base.create_tilted_regular_simplex(position, size_param=None)

Create a simplex by the method of Ravi Varadhan.

This construction method was originally proposed by [Spendley1962]. The scaling heuristic is taken from the function nmk() in the R package dfoptim (see The resulting simplex is regular and position becomes the “lower left” corner of the simplex.

  • position (iterable) – The position being used as location vector for the simplex. In this construction, position is the vertex in the simplex closest to the origin.
  • size_param (float, optional) – The side length of all edges of the simplex.

simplex – A list containing len(position) + 1 points.

Return type:

list of list

dfoalgos.base.create_upright_regular_simplex(position, size_param=1.0)

Create a regular simplex.

This simplex is a regular pyramid standing on its base. The base is a (n - 1)-dimensional regular simplex. The last dimension is only sampled at two values. The apex is above the centroid of the base.

  • position (iterable) – The position being used as location vector for the simplex. In this construction, position is the vertex in the simplex closest to the origin.
  • size_param (float, optional) – The side length of all edges of the simplex.

simplex – A list containing len(position) + 1 points.

Return type:

list of list

dfoalgos.base.displace(point1, point2, factor)

Displace point1 by factor * (point1 - point2).

  • point1 (iterable) – The position vector.
  • point2 (iterable) – The second vector necessary to calculate the displacement vector.
  • factor (float) – The scale factor.

new_point – The displaced point.

Return type:



Sort key for lexicographic sorting with special treatment of None.

None is replaced with infinity (the worst possible value).

dfoalgos.base.order(values, sort_key=None)

Return the ordering of the elements of values.

The list [values[j] for j in order(values)] is a sorted version of values.

Adapted from

  • values (list) – The list to process
  • sort_key (callable, optional) – A callable to determine the ordering. Default sort key is (value is None, value).

order – The indices the values would have in a sorted list.

Return type:


dfoalgos.base.rank(values, sort_key=None, ties='average')

Return the ranking of the elements of values.

The best obtainable rank is 1. Calls the function order().

Adapted from

  • values (list) – The list to process
  • sort_key (callable, optional) – A callable to determine the ordering. Default sort key is (value is None, value).
  • ties (string) – The tie-breaking criterion. Choices are: “first”, “average”, “min”, and “max”.

ranks – The ranks of the values in the same order.

Return type:


dfoalgos.base.reflect(points, fixed_point)

Reflect points across a fixed point.

dfoalgos.base.scale(points, fixed_point, factor)

Scale a point cloud by a given factor.

  • points (iterable of iterable) – The points to scale.
  • fixed_point (iterable) – The fixed point of the transformation.
  • factor (float) – The scale factor.

scaled_points – List containing scaled points.

Return type:

list of list

dfoalgos.base.translate(points, vector)

Translate points by given vector.