CHANGES - List of participants for identity management - Enter daily, nightly etc. charge... 1.3.2 - Payment modes may be disabled - Paypal and 3 extra other payment modes added. - For every event a maximum number of participants may be given (=> additional checks necessary!) - Community / Identity System may be disabled - "name" and "firstname" instead of "fullname" in identity management 1.3.3 - Further improvements of conference registration - Users may edit/delete their registration - New section on start page for PC members. New page browseAssignedPapers - Security: All non-alphanumeric symbols are removed from $page - Checked for other security holes in php (none found): pack, unpack, realpath, unserialize 1.3.4 - New: Paper Bidding - All PC members can Bid for papers and enter conflicts - New: PC Forum - All PC members can discuss the results - EMails are being checked (if syntax correct and if domain name exists.) - Mails are being sent if the admin registers new users. - 1.3.5 - Delete PC-Messages for chair and admin 1.3.6 - Mails will be sent if a new user is registered. 1.3.7 - Added charset to language-array - New table: settings - New field "invoiceno" in "participation". - Sitefooter now without closing table - new: main conference will read files from "etc/main". - Message "Please wait" when uploading files - Language number is stored in cookie. - 1.3.8 - Adaptions for IIS (Uploads and besurl) - List of participants improved - Many lists are now much faster. Caching of some permanent data dbs introduced. 1.3.9 - Country and state can now be selected from lists - The address is now formatted country-specific (e.g. on the Invoices) - It is checked if at least one event / product is selected. - Negative prices lead to disabled events. 1.3.10 - editParticipant improved - CTPayment and CTParticipant is only loaded when required - Date of Credit Card is being checked (must not expire before this month). - Neu: Master Data - settings: neues Feld InvoiceDigits - CTPaper und CTReview müssen doch schon geladen werden, damit sie in der Session variablen gehalten werden können :-| - Druck der Rechnungen und blättern zwischen den Rechnungen - Bearbeiten der Rechnungsnummer. 1.3.11 - Der Admin und der Assi können jetzt auch Benutzer anmelden, ohne dass die Daten überprüft werden oder eine Mail gesandt wird. - Password und Benutzername werden optional automatisch erstellt - Zahlreiche "Sicherheitsoptimierungen" und Bugfixes für den Assi-Status 1.4.1 - Getrennte CSS-files für alte und neue Browser! - Neues CSS-File für Printout - Ist der Rechner offline, so wird der DNS nicht mehr getestet. - Tabelle Eventtypes massiv erweitert! Neu: mode enum('normal','exclusive','joint') NOT NULL default 'normal', style enum('normal','main','spacer','hidden') NOT NULL default 'normal', showremaining enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'false', negative enum('normal','disabled','hidden') NOT NULL default 'normal', - Tabelle Events erweitert: availability int(11) NOT NULL, (war tinyint!!!) hastext enum('false','textfield','textarea') NOT NULL default 'false', (statt "true", "false") - CC-Arten sind jetzt auch in der conftool.conf $ctconf['payment/cc-types'] = array('Visa','Master/Eurocard','Diners','American Express'); etc. 1.4.2 - Tabelle "persons" jetzt mit zusätzlichen status-Werten: status set('admin','conferenceChair','assistant','frontdesk','chair','pc','author','coauthor','participant'), - Neuer Status "Co-Autor" wird automatisch aus dem EMail-Adressen ermittelt - In der Admin-Ansicht werden auch die Paper des Benutzers angezeigt, bei denen er Co-Autor ist - Neuer Status "Conference Chair" - Übersicht der Benutzerstati verbessert - Neue Tabelle 'countries' enthält alle Länder - die Definitionen aus der addresses.lib entfernt 1.4.3 - phpmailer.lib integriert - Navbar neu und schicker. Mit Klasse. - Navbar jetzt auch am Ende der Seiten - adminusersnew und editPerson start überarbeitet! - contributiontypes erweitert ALTER TABLE contributiontypes ADD COLUMN (upload int(11) NOT NULL default '1', # soll ein upload notwendig sein (oder 2?) deadline datetime NOT NULL default '2010-12-31 00:00:00'); 1.4.4 - Overview page für einzelne PK-Mitglieder mit allen eingegebenen Reviews - Fehler mit \' etc. im Mailer behoben. - Kleinere Bugfixes (z.B. auf PC-Übersichtsseite etc.) 1.4.5 - papers erweitert ALTER TABLE papers ADD COLUMN ( organisation blob, presentingauthor varchar(255), # für session web-seite presentingauthoremail varchar(255), presentingauthorCV blob, pagecount tinyint(4) default '0', # für final upload language varchar(32) default '', format_ok enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'false', lastupload_2 datetime, # falls mehrere hochgeladen werden filename_2 varchar(255), originalname_2 varchar(255), lastupload_extra datetime, # für poster oder presentation upload filename_extra varchar(255), originalname_extra varchar(255), lastupload_final datetime, # für final upload filename_final varchar(255), originalname_final varchar(255)) ... Papers muss noch angepasst werden... - Fehler in TOPICS behoben: ALTER TABLE topics ADD COLUMN ( title2 varchar(255), title3 varchar(255), title4 varchar(255) ) ... und in CTPaper korrigiert - Events erweitert ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN ( unit varchar(32), unit2 varchar(32), unit3 varchar(32), unit4 varchar(32), style enum('normal','hidden','spacer','spacer2') NOT NULL default 'normal') ...und entsprechende Erweiterungen in CTParticipation und CTForm vorgenommen. Unit wird bei Select und Choice-Feldern angezeigt, nicht aber bisher bei Radio-Boxes Hidden versteckt den Event auf alle Fälle (besser als löschen!) Spacer und Spacer2 fügen eine Linie hinter dem Event ein. 1.4.6: ALTER TABLE sessions ADD COLUMN ( chairID int(11), roomID int(11) ); CREATE TABLE `session_rooms` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `name2` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `name3` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `name4` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); ALTER TABLE participants ADD COLUMN ( discount float NOT NULL default '0' ); in adminToolSessions kann jetzt der Chair zugewiesen werden in papers.lib gibt es jetzt ct_list_sessions neu: $ctconf['language/debug']=false; neue Übersichtsseite neue Admin-Seite 1.4.7/8: - Alle php-Tags durch ersetzt - Fehler im regulären Ausdruck für den Email-Check behoben - Neu Footer und Header Zeilen für die Rechungen: in conftool.conf: $ctconf['web/invoiceheader'] = 'Header Line'; $ctconf['web/invoicefooter'] = 'Footer Line'; - Nun kann ein DNS-Check für EMails aktiviert werden. $ctconf['mail/checkdns'] = true; - Status und Anmeldedatum jetzt auch auf Rg/ Quittung - Blättern auch bei Quittungen... 1.4.9: - Sporadischer Fehler bei Back in reviewPaper behoben - Beim Login wird jetzt auch immer der Status der Person getestet. - neue interne Seite zum Konsistenz-Check: "" - Status und Anmedung auch auf Rechnung und Quittung - Quittung überarbeitet: Es werden jetzt die tatsächlichen Zahlungen angezeigt. - Export-Funktionen erweitert: KReditkarten und Produkte/Events - showAbstracts nun auch von den Reviews aus erreichbar... - Neue Übersicht: adminParticipantsEventsBrowse 1.4.10 - Ärgerlichen Fehler in newPaper behoben, der zu leeren Einträgen führte. 1.4.11 - Weiterer Bugfix in regulärem Ausdruck zum Checken der Emails. - Tooltips für die Downloads. Bei Icon kann man jetzt immer Filename "ContributionXX" downloaden. - Haken, um die CC-Infos beim Erstellen einer neuen Zahlung zu löschen. - PayPal als Zahlungsoption hinzugefügt. Achtung: Neue Parameter in conftool.conf: // Pay via paypal // (Attention: You need a paypal account with "Website Payment Standard" // and need to activate the auto/express return feature: // $ctconf['payment/paypal'] = TRUE; $ctconf['payment/paypal-email-address'] = ""; $ctconf['payment/paypal-currency-code'] = $ctconf['currency/code']; // Only allowed: USD, EUR, AUD, CAD, GBP, JPY - Cheque payment is now also allowed... paymethod enum('transfer','cc','cash','free','paypal','cheque','extra1','extra2','extra3'), - Bulk-Mails erweitert: - In einem zweiten Schritt können jetzt die nicht gewünschten Empfänger abgewehlt werden. - 2 Neue Macros definiert: {dear_form_name} und {dear_fullname} - Man kann jetzt auch mit "Zurück" die Mails überarbeiten - "On Hold" können jetzt auch mails bekommen. - Automatische Ausgaben jetzt alle 5 Mails - Report des Mail-Versandts and dem Versänder der Bulk-Mails. 1.4.12 Neue Bulk-Mail-Funktionen: Mail an alle Teilnehmer einer Gruppe und eines Events. - "Back" jetzt möglich , um die Bulk-Mail zu ändern. - Report aller Bulk-Mails an den Absender möglich. - Abwahl einzelner Empfänger der Bulk-Mail möglich - Zwei Pattern für die Bulk-Mails, um den Namen zu ersetzen. {full_name} etc. "No upload, yet" wird nicht mehr angezeigt, wenn Uploads nicht benötigt werden. 1.4.13 - $ctconf['web/forcehttpdownloads'] = true; Setting if people use https AND have problems with downloading papers with Internet Explorer. This will force http for the downloads as workaround for the https bug in IE and certain PHP settings. 1.4.14 New Payment Mode "fax" => Added to table participants - The fax number (only needed if you want them to fax you a signed statement with cc data) $ctconf['web/faxno'] = '040-1234567'; $ctconf['web/internationalfaxno'] = '++49-40-1234567'; - Encode mail shown in footer agains spam robots. - List of submissions: sorting by author now fixed. - Participant registration: Date ranges (, e.g. for hotel reservation) are now shown in one row. 1.4.15 - Fixed an error in pc2topics: Chairs could not assign topics to experts. - New Feature in AdminMailer: Send mails to all PC-Members that still have open reviews. 1.4.16 - removed some smaller bugs (e.g. in adminmailer) ------- Changes of DB from 1.4 to 1.8 that are not simply added fields: table "papers": - format_ok => format - lastupload_extra => lastupload_final_2 - filename_extra => filename_final_2 - originalname_extra => originalname_final_2 "settings" was dropped. Please note your old parameters! => ctconf 1.8.0 Many many changes. Only the main enhancements: - Multiple Uploads enabled. - Options per contribution types was extensively enhanced: - Number of uploads per submission - alternative deadlines for submissions, uploads, reviews asf. - submission forms can be configured easily - Different Reviews classes can be used per contribution type: CTReview.ctcls has only the core methods. Other classes can extend this class and provide the review form as well as the output functions... - New: Final Uploads - Extra Form for final uploads. Presenters can enter data like the name and the CV of the presenting author etc. - These are differrnt files than the first uploads. - They can have different number of uploads (e.g. for presentations) - Extra overview page for final uploads. 1.8.1 Mainly bug fixes, some enhancements: - Improved assignment of papers: The number of matching topics is now displayed and the list is ordered by it - Database ctconf is now stored in session variable. - For the extra field for paper submissions a title(new) and an extra info text may be entered. - The maximum Length of abstracts may be defined (in characters; in words if you change the source of CTForm) alter table contributiontypes add column( extratext_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', # Title for extra text field. extratext_title2 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', extratext_title3 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', extratext_title4 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', abstract_maxlen int(11) NOT NULL default 0) # PRO: Maximum length for Abstracts - Participant Groups can now be deactivated: Deactivated groups are only available for: admins, assistant, frontdesk and conferenceChairs alter table groups add column( active tinyint(1) default '1') - Added a second Review form: Simple_Form, that does not have a "familarity" scale, no summary to be entered by experts and no "best paper" field. 1.8.2 - removed an error from adminToolsSession (ending date wasn't set correctly). - browseSessions was enhanced: Show all presentations also for a whole day or one room, switch to show abstracts as well (to copy them to word...) alter table persons add column( email2 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', addr3 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', addr4 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', organisation2 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' ) alter table countries add column( shorttitle varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' ) - Some new code added to avoid sql injection and to have less problems with multiple or removed backslashes (especially with remark/text fields). - Added "shorttitle" to countries 1.8.5 - Letters in non-iso characters are now also displayed correctly using the HTML hex entities - Bugfix in editPerson: Twice the same username did not show an error message. - New User roles: "revierwer" and "subreviewer" - Reviewers do not have access to the online-forum. - SubReviewers will be used to assign papers to them (by pc members or reviewers). - Two currency formattings: $ 11.00 or 11.00 $ - More Problems with PHP 5 solved. - Some Problems with disabled Cookies solved. - PayPal Demo Mode (Sandbox) included - Cheque Receiver as new record in masterdata - Small bug in Masterdata removed (with empty fields). - New Filters for List of PC members and list of users - Fixed CC-Payment: CC isn't displayed any more when CC-Payment is disabled. - For submissions: Extra field/options may now be 'optional' or 'required'. => ATTENTION: Text field is not optional when turned to "true". Revise settings for all Contributiontypes - Pro Forma Invoice will be shown until a payment has arrived. - Display the Credit-Card types for the fax during registration process. - Check credit card number added to participation.lib - Formatting of Credit Cards added as well. DB: ALTER TABLE `persons` CHANGE `status` `status` SET( 'admin', 'conferenceChair', 'assistant', 'frontdesk', 'chair', 'pc', 'author', 'coauthor', 'participant', 'reviewer', 'subreviewer' ) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `contributiontypes` CHANGE `has_extratext` `has_extratext` ENUM( 'true', 'false', 'required' ) DEFAULT 'false' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `contributiontypes` CHANGE `has_extraoption` `has_extraoption` ENUM( 'true', 'false', 'required' ) DEFAULT 'false' NOT NULL; New in conftool.conf: // Main e-mail contact address $ctconf['mail/contact'] = ''; // Character set of language files. All applied files have to use the same // character set, otherwise the database output looks corrupted. //$ctconf['charset']='UTF-8'; // Supports all characters, use according language files. $ctconf['charset']='iso-8859-1'; // New value in language array: // 6. "currency/style": Style for currency output: 0="EUR 123.50", 1="123.50 EUR" e.g. 'currency/style'=>'0' $ctconf['lang']['1'] = array('language'=>'english-utf8','languages'=>array('English','German','Spanish','French') ,'currency/decimals'=>'2','currency/thousands_separator'=>',','currency/decimal_separator'=>'.','dateformat'=>'d/m/Y','datetimeformat'=>'jS M Y, H:i:s','charset'=>'UTF-8','currency/style'=>'0'); 1.8.6 - Participant registration for admin (!=1) always possible - Display: Free registration (only visible to admin and assistang). - New papers can be submitted by admin for any person anytime. - Bugfix: Organisation of paper authors is saved as well. - some smaller bugfixes... - Improved formatting of abstracts. 1.8.10 - New Bulk Mail Function to send a mail to all AUTHORs, including review results. - Send CCs to co-authors as well. - Added new macros to bulk mail function - Mail-Preview for bulk mail function - Filter contributions and assignments pages by topics. Links to other pages will keep this filter - Fixed mail error with payment option "transfer". Some data of cheque payment was shown - Better compatibility with PHP 5.1 (removed some warning messages) - Copy function on some backoffice pages (adminToolContributionTypes, adminToolEvents) - new page adminUsersEditDelete: Edit and delete Users on separate page. Error removed that avoided changes to users by ConferenceChair - Creating users for admins is now easier: not all fields are checked any more - new format for "subject" of money transfer - less confusing and using no more illegal characters used (like ":" and "-". - Improved english and german localization - Several smaller bugfixes and improvements. 1.8.11 - Some smaller improvements to CTForm and CTParticipation based on feedback. - More comprehensive error messages when the wrong database was selected or it wasn't initialized correctly. 1.8.12 - Removed Bug in adminParticipantsPayments that showed up, when the Credit Card Data should be deleted at the same time. - Removed smaller bug in CTForm showing entities or slashes - Added Abstracts to CSV Export 1.8.13 - Improved formatting of invoices - PayPal functions are now in a library: PayPal.lib - some smaller improvements. 1.8.14 - Removed bug with negative prices (they were always considered as positive) - Removed bug in base.dbi with unlink function. - Removed bug with downloading papers for reviewers (sql statements were added to the file in some cases). - Fixed bug with file type for 3rd download 1.8.15 - only minor bug fixes. 1.8.16 - minor bug fixes in adminToolContributionTypes and - Some improvements in english and german language files. 1.8.17 - Small bug in participate (double "prof. dr. prof. dr.") - Sendpassword now works with "Return" key as well for any browser. - Some improvements in english and german language files. 1.8.18 - Removed small Bug with final papers: After the final paper deadline is over, all users saw their first upload again. - Sometimes participants were deleted but not marked as deleted in participants2events leading to wrong values in the statistics. 1.9 - Many New classes to further improve speed and flexibility. - "Data" Classes for Papers and Participants have only the main methods - "_Form" and "_Default" classes are only loaded when necessary to generate Forms and specially formatted outputs - Table "participants" has many new fields: - Billing information - Informaiton about Credit Card owner - New Payment Options - Table "ContributionTypes" enhanced as well - Select number of Topics - Enter Bibliography of Author - Select if Uploaded files are accessible to PC members or not. - Participant Registration Process now used an object stored in the session variable, like already used for papers and reviews - New functions to enable Credit Card gateway processing. - Select the maximum number of available Topics - multi_conference, payflow_link, and saverpay are now external libraries. - New library for sending mails to all users 1.9.9 - First realease candidate. 1.9.11 - Differ between Registration confirmations, Invoices and credit notes (depending on amount) - Browsing invoices by personID works again. - Time Zones are supported. - User editing and cancelling of participant data is now working again (hardly used...) - Fixed error in adminParticipantsTable with negative prices. - Participation Cancelled is now shown in List of Payments. 1.9.12 - Presentation and functions of assignment pages improved. * Number is displayed in second column * Page flipping of papers to assign to reviewers (as these might be very many) - New library navbar_submitting.lib that submits the data when a button is pressed. - All Email-Adresses are compared, also the domain names to find people from the same organization. - New service page to check all total fees and all payments ATTENTION: New Paramter in conftool.conf! // show how many items per page per default on assignment pages $ctconf['assignment/perpage'] = 100; 1.9.13 - Several smaller bugfixes, e.g. word count in abstracts. - New payment mode in participants: "ccexternal" for use with external credit card processors... (e.g. saverpay) - New formatting options: Sub and superscript. - The number of words is displayed for abstract submission (with characters). NEW! => DB-Changes Table participants: paymethod enum('cash', 'free', 'transfer', 'cc', 'ccexternal', 'fax', 'paypal', 'cheque', 'open', 'extra1', 'extra2', 'extra3') DEFAULT 'open' ALTER TABLE `participants` CHANGE `paymethod` `paymethod` ENUM( 'cash', 'free', 'transfer', 'cc', 'ccexternal', 'fax', 'paypal', 'cheque', 'open', 'extra1', 'extra2', 'extra3' ) BINARY DEFAULT 'open' NOT NULL 1.9.14 - "Nice Title" Tooltips included for Internal and External Remarks - Paypal module adapted to new paypal 2.1 processor. Payments are now recorded automatically in ConfTool Pro. - SAFERPAY integration finished. - Several smaller bugfixes. 1.9.16 - Fix of new bug in that returned pdf as jpg :-( - Day of week and month names are now displayed in the correct language! - New additional security function to avoid XSS (Cross Site Scripts). - New paper status: Short paper, Invited paper, Plenary. - New: Automatic E-Mails are sent if a payments are entered or cancelled. NEW in conftool.conf.php - New field "timeformat" in language array to format time, like "3:15pm" or "15:15". Examples: 'timeformat'=>'g:ia' (English) or 'timeformat'=>'G:i' (German) 1.9.17 - New page: adminSessionsBrowse based on old session overview page - New paper acceptance status: Invited, Panel, Short Paper 1.9.18 - Default data for new papers is now set in the according class - The organization is not obligatory any more for the alternative invoice address. - The invoice address is also shown in the participant details - Security: Session key is checked and fixed if a modified key is used. - Two new filter functions for review result list (adminPaperResults) list. - Filters are now shown in smaller 8pt characters. - New acceptance status "Accepted under Reserve" - Several error and info boxes can now be stored in session and displayed on next page. - Now checkboxes are used to select the topics of a contribution. This makes the selection easier for the user. - New Setting in masterdata of backoffice for conferences with no VAT. The VAT can be hidden from invoices and receipts for conferences without VAT. - VAT with ID '0' (0%) cannot be deleted or edited any more. - Conference Chairs are not displayed correctly in the PC Forum - No more error messages when empty arrays for CC or BCC parameters are set for the ct_mail() function. - mysql driver now uses correct setting for UTF-8 encoded characters - Phase overview page improved, showing all phases of the contribution types. - AdminReviewAssign is now showing the correct icon and also tooltips for remarks - Error fix on page "frontdeskStatus" - Error fix for upload of final contribution - Bugfix for displaying reviewResults to admin and chairs - Bugfix for displaying abstract Infiormation to chairs - Several smaller bugfixes to remove warning and error messages (that appeared in the server log for PHP4) - Compatibility with encrypted passwords (see V 2.0) 1.9.19 - Session Key changed: It is called "CTSID" and the value is checked before session_start() - Open Reviews are not displayed to the authors any more. They are hidden. - Bugfixes: - AdminToolEvents did not list events (as DB-field shorttitle was missing). - adminUsersNew did not lead to participant registration page but to index.php - Fixed error in CTForm.ctcls that did not display select boxes correctly with Internet Explorer ---------------------------- Version 2.0 2.0 - Changes in Table "contributiontypes". A new "Short Title" can be set. It can for instance be used in the session overview to label the accepted contributions by type. shorttitle varchar(32) NOT NULL, # New Pro 1.9: Shorttitle of this contribution type, used e.g. as Prefix for outputs. - Change in field nocharge of table eventtypes. nocharge enum('true','false','hideoninvoice') NOT NULL default 'false', # Group without prices? false=normal, true=don't show 0.00 prices on registration form, "hideoninvoice"=don't list on invoice or receipt. It is now possible to hide free events of a group on invoices and receipts. - Conference Phases and Deadlines: Show also the deadlines of all tracks to reduce user problems. - BrowseSessions is now also accessible without login. An extra URI is provided: - Fixed bug in AdminUsersNew that did not lead to the registration page for new participants (but the index page). - Encrypted passwords and password checking => Many changes in table 'persons' to enable encrypted passwords! - If bulk mail to authors fails, sending is tried again without CCs. - Mail-Adresses of all co-authors are now checked, too. - Multi-Track features now extended! - Chairs can be assigned to Tracks - PC members and reviewers can be assigned to Tracks - Topics can be assigned to tracks as well... - Meta-Reviews: Reviewers can now be META-Reviewers. They have access to all reviews of the same contribution and may for instance summarize the results of the other reviewers. - New: Survey of your reviews page for PC members - New: Reviews can be entered on the "showAbstract" page, this makes entering reviews easier for people who have to enter very many reviews. - New: "Reference" printed on Invoice. - Automatic check for co-authors in PC discussion forum. - Form fields are restored when user is logged in, e.g., page requests and parameters can be sent by mail and after login the right page is shown. --------------- - New Field in Table "papers" for session overview to set and change the order of presentations in a session: `numberInTrack` FLOAT( 10, 2 ) DEFAULT '1' ; DB-Changes: ALTER TABLE `persons` ADD `emailvalidated` TINYINT( 4 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , ADD `email2validated` TINYINT( 4 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , ADD `emailvalidatekey` varchar(64) default '', ADD `email2validatekey` varchar(64) default '', ADD `passwordencrypted` TINYINT( 4 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , ADD `passwordrequestkey` VARCHAR( 64 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , ADD `passwordrequestdatetime` DATETIME NOT NULL , ADD `passwordrequesthost` VARCHAR( 64 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL , ADD `language` TINYINT( 4 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ADD accounttype ENUM( 'normal', 'blocked', 'volatile' ) DEFAULT 'normal' NOT NULL, ADD lastactiondate datetime; ALTER TABLE `contributiontypes` ADD `shorttitle` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `title4` ; ALTER TABLE `papers` ADD `numberInTrack` FLOAT( 10, 2 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `track`; ALTER TABLE `eventtypes` CHANGE `nocharge` `nocharge` ENUM( 'true', 'false', 'hideoninvoice' ) DEFAULT 'false' NOT NULL ALTER TABLE `eventtypes` ADD `shorttitle` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER `title4`; ALTER TABLE `reviews` ADD `reviewtype` ENUM( 'normal', 'meta' ) DEFAULT 'normal' NOT NULL AFTER `personID` ; CREATE TABLE contributiontypes2chairs ( typeID int(11) NOT NULL default '0', personID int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (typeID, personID), key typeID (typeID), key personID (personID) ); CREATE TABLE contributiontypes2pcs ( typeID int(11) NOT NULL default '0', personID int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (typeID, personID), key typeID (typeID), key personID (personID) ); //Drop table: contributiontypes2pc and contributiontypes2chair // Reference for invoice etc. ALTER TABLE `participants` ADD reference varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''; 2.0.1-2.0.3 - Several improvements agains SQL-injection. - Fixed list of reviewers when track-chairs are enabled - Removed Apostrophs from registration form - several smaller bugfixes. 2.0.4 - The number of _words_ can now also be selected for abstracts - Classes can now also reside in the "etc" directory. 2.0.5 - small bugfix in finalPaperUpload - small bugfix in showAbstracts - New function to Purge deleted users - new function: CTPerson: is_choauthor_for($paperID) - Selection of Membernumber-Field now in Backoffice 2.0.6 - One severe bug on the login page removed that allowed embedding of XSS code! - New optional function paper_extraoptions.lib allow to create list of extra topics, methods, categories for paper submissions - New Switch: All prices can be set to be NET or as GROSS prices. The invoice, participant overview, statistics and the registration form were adapted. - Improved invoice layout. - "Membernumber" can be enabled and disabled in the backoffice - New helper functions for entered URIs (http and / are added automatically) - Login page: Fields now in correct order for Tab key. - Bug in reviewresults removed (for ConferenceChairs only) - Bug: UploadFinalPaper now jumps back to submission page. - New: adminUsersPurge to purge all deleted users and their associated data 2.0.7 - New: Show time to update contribution on new submission and edit submission pages - New: Button "Register Now AND Commence to Submit a Contribution" - Bugfix for PHP4 ($session!=null does not work...) - ctconf-values are no re-read when the language or the conference is changed. - some smaller fixes... - Maximum width for buttons set to 540px (required for Internet Explorer) - Help message how to invite new users - Checkbox to check/uncheck all entries for bulk mail pages. - CTForm: Hack for Internet Explorer to set width of submit buttons to decent values 2.0.8 - "Pages" are now first searched in "etc". This allows for conference-specific modifications of page files. - Show all participants with open payments only (also for different registration times). - Bulk mail to all participants with open payments. - Field for Credit Card holder has now 32 characters. - Removed ctconf['participation/confirmation']from conftool.conf and added ctconf_get('registrationTerms') in Backoffice=>Settings=>MAin Settings 2.0.9 - Extra Options and extra text fields for participant registration. - Module participation_extraoptions.lib.php can be used to add new fields to registration form. ALTER TABLE `participants` ADD `extraoption_1` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `passport` , ADD `extraoption_2` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `extraoption_1` , ADD `extraoption_3` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `extraoption_2` , ADD `extratext_1` BLOB NOT NULL AFTER `extraoption_3` , ADD `extratext_2` BLOB NOT NULL AFTER `extratext_1` , ADD `extratext_3` BLOB NOT NULL AFTER `extratext_2` ; 2.0.10 - Beanstream integration into ConfTool. - Bug fixes of session overview: access to this page without login was improved. - Improved handling of cancelled participant registrations. - Login page will now store form data if the user was logged out, even when the user needs several tries to enter the right password. - Review Results: Show all Sumbissions, not assigned to a session, yet. - Infomation message for "Offline" page - Export functions: smaller changes. - PayPal functions improved and new information messages added. 2.0.11 - Several improvements to PayPal integration (e.g support for ISO characters). - PayPal library now supports IPN and also PDT mode and parameters. - Several improvements to browseSessions and adminSessionsBrowse - Several smaller bug fixes. 2.0.12 - Improved generation of user names and passwords - NEW: Data Import function for users from CSV files. - Function to replace special characters (äÄáà) by their ASCII equivalents. - Many smaller fixes and improvements. - New Fields for Payment form and payment statement: - Card Issue Number (2 Digits) - Card Valid From (Month/Year) This option can be enabled in the back office. If entered online the database needs to be updated: ALTER TABLE `participants` ADD `ccissueno` VARCHAR( 16 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `ccvc` , ADD `ccissuedate` VARCHAR( 16 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `ccissueno` ; 2.0.13 - Added TinyMCE WYSIWYG-Editor for abstract input field. - Length of Abstract does now exclude HTML Tags and consider special characters as one character. 2.0.15 - NEW: Added test to check the validity of the selected date (e.g. 30.2.2007 is invalid). - FIXED parameters of $form->add_time (removed day field). - IMPROVED: Pro Forma invoices are now only show when this feature is enabled in Main Settings - IMPROVED: "Payment Received" shown on invoice, when full payment was entered - NEW: Show number of submissions per author on list of users - IMPROVED JavaScript and PHP algorithms to count characters and words (e.g. considering special characters äöü as one). - NEW: mail_papers.lib: Mail messages to authors when they submit, edit or withdraw a contribution/final version. - NEW: E-Mails to Authors can be configured in the back office. - FIXED: display of submission deadline in submission form. - IMPROVED: CTPaper class: - process_uploadform and process_upload are now in main CTPaper class - process_uploadform can now handle several uploads per file much better - IMPROVED: Upload of several files completely rewritten. Much better usabillity. - NEW message for uploads "please wait" plus (dummy) progress bar). - NEW message "do not forget to register" on submission page, after a page was submitted and if the user is not participant, yet. - IMPROVED: WYSIWYG-Editor now cleans the pasted text much better than before. - IMPROVED: CSS file for WYSIWYG-Editor - FIXED: Statement-Link on Invoice now also works for admins - IMPROVED: "Login as" now also on participant details page for admins - IMPROVED: Added new security checks when loading objects - IMPROVED: get_countries now also returns the short name of a country if required. - IMPROVED: Export function for participants now also lists the booked events and products - NEW switch in Main Settings to enable or disable downloads in the PC online forum. - NEW: SQL errors are now also stored in server log file. - NEW: Class, page and library load errors are now also stored in server log. 2.0.16 - Fixed costs display for conferences without VAT. - CSS for paper abstracts display is now in a separate css file - Improved paypal functions and results display - fixed standard time formatting to 24hours display. - Frontdesk users can now also create new user accounts. - Warning message when page is left and form data is not saved (e.g. for Reviews). - Fixed smaller error in Payment module (problem with payments < 1,00 Euro for German formatting). - "Please Wait..." message is now using fixed layout for new browsers. - New Option: Send a BCC of every mail to one certain user => $ctconf['mail/bcc'] 2.0.17 - several smaller bugfixes - papers->filename now has a relative name without directory "uploads" - new library language.lib - multi-conference feature improved, e.g. bookmarking is now possible 2.0.18 - some compatibility fixes for newer mysql 5 versions 2.0.20 - password information can be sent in bulk mail (but only for new, uncoded passwords). - session title can be sent in bulk mail - Contribution Types: "Enable Alternative Deadline" as checkbox. - DownloadPaper shows total size of file download and works flawlesly with php 5 now also for bigger files. - several smaller bug fixes and improvements. - 5s timeout for dns check (as some domain names lead to bad timeouts!) 2.0.21 - Many smaller bugfixes and improvements 2.0.22 - New Bulk-Mail function to contact all participants - Direct link to invoice without login. 2.0.23 - Fixed bug if administrators tried to submit a new paper and changed the contribution type (had to click "update view" first). - Improved Import function, i.e. works also with Mac CSV files now.