===== Tutorial for Introduction to Computational Intelligence (2020/2021) ===== This tutorial accompanies the course [[https://ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/people/rudolph/teaching/lectures/CI/WS2020-21/lecture.jsp?userLanguage=en| Introduction to Computational Intelligence]] by [[staff:rudolph| Prof. Günter Rudolph]]. The tutorial is taught by [[staff:bommert|Marius Bommert]]. The instruction language is English. | Organizer | **[[staff:bommert|Marius Bommert]]** | | Modules | [[http://www.e-technik.tu-dortmund.de/cms1/Medienpool/Lehre_Studium/Module_Master_AR/AR-306.pdf|AR-306]], [[http://www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/nps/de/Studium/Ordnungen_Handbuecher_Beschluesse/Modulhandbuecher/Bachelor_Inf/INF/INF-W/INF-BSc-305.pdf|INF-BSc-305]]| | Number | 040310 | | Hours per week in term | 1 | | Date and room | tba | | Moodle | [[https://moodle.tu-dortmund.de/course/view.php?id=21826 | lsf-BZEICI-20_2]] | This tutorial is organised via [[https://moodle.tu-dortmund.de|Moodle]]. Make sure to sign up for the course to partake, otherwise you will not be able to complete the tutorial and thus the whole course. Check out the [[https://moodle.tu-dortmund.de/mod/page/view.php?id=458460|General Course Information]] for further info.