====== IVAPP Best Paper Award ====== The AlgE group members Karsten Klein, Nils Kriege, and Petra Mutzel have won the [[http://ivapp.visigrapp.org/PreviousAwards.aspx|Best Paper award]] at this year's [[http://www.ivapp.visigrapp.org/IVAPP2012/|International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2012)]] for their publication "Scaffold Hunter - Visual Analysis of Chemical Compound Databases". The paper describes [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/scaffoldhunter/|Scaffold Hunter]], an interactive software tool for the exploration and analysis of chemical compound databases. Scaffold Hunter allows to explore the chemical space spanned by a compound database, fosters intuitive recognition of complex structural and bioactivity relationships, and helps to identify interesting compound classes with a desired bioactivity. Thus, the tool supports chemists during the complex and time-consuming drug discovery process to gain additional knowledge and to focus on regions of interest, facilitating the search for promising drug candidates. [[http://ivapp.visigrapp.org/PreviousAwards.aspx|Best Paper award]] für die Veröffentlichung "Scaffold Hunter - Visual Analysis of Chemical Compound Databases" von Karsten Klein, Nils Kriege und Petra Mutzel auf der diesjährigen [[http://www.ivapp.visigrapp.org/IVAPP2012/|International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2012)]]. Die Veröffentlichung beschreibt [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/scaffoldhunter/|Scaffold Hunter]], eine Software zur visuellen Analyse von chemischen Strukturdatenbanken.