====== Projects ====== For further details, please feel free to contact [[staff:mutzel|Prof. Dr. Mutzel]] or the specified person. ^ Software projects ^^^ | [[http://www.ogdf.net|Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF)]] | A C++ library (GPL) for the automatic layout of graphs | [[staff:gutwenger|C. Gutwenger]] | | [[http://scaffoldhunter.sourceforge.net/|Scaffold Hunter]] | A tool for the interactive exploration of chemical space | [[staff:kriege|N. Kriege]], [[staff:schaefer|T. Schaefer]] | ^ Currently funded projects ^^^ | [[https://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de/SPP/sfb876-a6.html | Resource-efficient Graph Mining]] | Part of the DFG SFB 876 //Sonderforschungsbereich 876 - Verfügbarkeit von Information durch Analyse unter Ressourcenbeschränkung //, since 2014 | C. Morris | | [[https://www.big-data-spp.de/projects | Graph-based Methods for Rational Drug Design]] | Part of the DFG SPP 1736 //Algorithms for Big Data//, since 2014 | T. Schäfer | | [[mutzel:projectsCompactGraphDrawing|Compact Graph Drawing with Port Constraints]] | DFG Sachbeihilfe, // // since 2014 | C. Spisla, A. Jabrayilov | | [[http://grk1855.tu-dortmund.de/cms/en/home/ |GRK 1855: Discrete Optimization of Technical Systems under Uncertainty]] | funded by the DFG, since 2013 | [[staff:kurz|A. Jabrayilov, D. Kurz]], | | [[http://www.stromnetzplanung.de|Bewertung und Planung von Stromnetzen]] | funded by the BMWi, since 2013 | [[staff:boekler|F. Bökler]] | ^ Former projects ^^^ | [[http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/gradr/index.html|GraDR: Graph Drawings and Representations]] | Part of the [[http://www.esf.org/activities/eurocores/about-eurocores.html|EUROCORES]] programme, [[http://www.esf.org/activities/eurocores/running-programmes/eurogiga.html|EuroGIGA]], 2012-2014 | [[staff:gutwenger|C. Gutwenger]] | | [[http://ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/people/wong/DFGWEB/start.html|Planarization Methods for Automatic Graph Drawing]] | Part of the DFG-SPP 1307 //Algorithm Engineering//, 2007-2014 | [[staff:kriege|N. Kriege]], [[staff:wong|H.-M. Wong]] | | [[http://www.telekom-stiftung.de/dtag/cms/content/Telekom-Stiftung/de/start | Exact Algorithms for Network Design Problems Using Graph Orientations]] | Deutsche Telekom Stiftung | [[staff:kandyba|M. Kandyba]] | | [[staff/zey/DISS-Projekt|DISS - Dynamic and Integrated Dispatching in Cargo Shipping Systems]] | Part of the "Intelligente Logistik im Güter- und Wirtschaftsverkehr" initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), 2007-2010 | [[staff:zey|B. Zey]] | | [[http://sfbci.tu-dortmund.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=118&Itemid=221|Application of Computational Intelligence in Combinatorial Optimization]] | Subproject B10 of DFG-SFB 531 //Computational Intelligence//, 2006-2008| [[staff:kandyba|M. Kandyba]] | | [[http://www.fh-kaernten.at/netquest/index-Dateien/Page326.htm|NETQUEST]] | Planning of communication networks (Austrian Research Promotion Agency, FFG) | | | [[http://www.zap-do.de | Bioinformatik]] | Centre for Applied Proteomics (ZAP), Part of the Life Sciences Innovation Platform Dortmund, 2006-2008 | [[staff:paul|W. Paul]] | | [[http://www.ads.tuwien.ac.at/adonet/ | ADONET: Algorithmic Discrete Optimization]] | EU-Esprit Program: "`Marie Curie Research, 2004 (project left in Vienna) | | | Ausbauplanung kommunaler Fernwärmesysteme | Kooperation mit dem Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft der TU Wien und der Abteilung Energiewirtschaftliche Planung der Firma EVN AG, Maria Enzersdorf, 2002-2004 | | | Hierarchies of Plane Graphs for the Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization of Geographic Information | FWF-Projekt P14662-N04, jointly with Prof. Dr. W. Kropatsch, TU Wien, 2001-2004 | | | Graph Drawing | caesar-Stiftung, Bonn, 2000-2004 | | | TADEQ: A Tool for the Analysis and Documentation of Electronic Questionnaires | EU-Esprit Programm: R\&D in the domain of Software Technologies, Topic: Statistical Systems, 1999-2001 | | | Automatisiertes Zeichnen von Zustandsgraphen | Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie im Programm //Mathematische Verfahren zur Lösung von Problemstellungen in Industrie und Wirtschaft//, 1997-2000 | | | Graph-Drawing-Techniken | Industriekooperation mit der SIEMENS AG, Abt. Forschung und Technik, München, 1997-1999 | | | Design, Analyse, Implementierung und experimentelle Anwendung von Algorithmen zum Zeichnen von Graphen (AGD)| DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm // Effiziente Algorithmen für Diskrete Probleme und ihre Anwendungen//, partially jointly with Prof. Dr. M. Jünger, Prof. Dr. K. Mehlhorn, Prof. Dr. S. Näher and Prof. Dr F. Brandenburg, 1995-2000 | |