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On Self-Adaptive Features in
Real-Parameter Evolutionary Algorithms
Author(s): H.-G. Beyer, K. Deb
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On the Performance of
(1, lambda)-Evolution Strategies for the
Ridge Function Class
Author(s): H.-G. Beyer
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Do Evolutionary Processes Minimize
Expected Losses?
Author(s): D. B. Fogel, H.-G. Beyer
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Evolutionary Algorithms in Noisy
Environments: Theoretical Issues and Guidelines for Practice
Author(s): H.-G. Beyer
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Analysis of the
(mu/mu, lambda)-ES on the Parabolic Ridge
Author(s): A. I. Oyman, H.-G. Beyer
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Self-Adaptation in Real-Parameter
Genetic Algorithms with Simulated Binary Crossover
Author(s): Kalyanmoy Deb, H.-G. Beyer
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Fitness Noise and Localization
Errors of the Optimum in General Quadratic Fitness Models
Author(s): Dirk V. Arnold, H.-G. Beyer
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An Alternative Constraint
Handling Method for Evolution Strategies
Author(s): Ahmet Irfan Oyman, Kalyanmoy Deb, H.-G. Beyer
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Some Observations on
the Interaction of Recombination and Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies
Author(s): Lothar Gruenz, H.-G. Beyer
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Where Elitists Start LimpingEvolution
Strategies at Ridge Functions
Author(s): Ahmet Irfan Oyman, Hans-Georg Beyer, Hans-Paul Schwefel
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