Automatic Graph Drawing

A graph is a mathematical structure that is widely used to describe the relationships between different objects. The objects are called the nodes of the graph and the relationships are called edges. Every edge connects two nodes. One example for a structure that can be described as a graph are relationships between people. Suppose there is a group of people, some of which know each other; this can be expressed using a graph in which the nodes are the people and there is an edge connecting two people if they know each other.

Graph drawing is the art to draw a graph in such a way that the relationships between the objects are easily understood by looking at the picture. The nodes are usually drawn as circles or rectangles while the edges are drawn as curves connecting two of these shapes.

We are interested in combinatorial optimization problems in graph drawing like crossing minimization, planarization, planar drawing techniques, compaction (area and edge length minimization), planar augmentation, and many others. Much of our research has been implemented and integrated into our software library OGDF.

The electronic repository and archive GDEA contains research materials of the topic of Graph Drawing. Enjoy the web interface in which you can search, visualize and analyze paper titles and authors of the Graph Drawing community.