====== Chair 11: ALGORITHM ENGINEERING ======
Currently, the chair for Algorithm Engineering consists of three research groups:
{{ :buchin:ae-cycle.png?200|Algorithm Engineering cycle}}
**[[https://ae.cs.tu-dortmund.de/|Prof. Dr. Kevin Buchin: Algorithm Engineering (Chair)]]**
* algorithm engineering
* computational geometry
* spatial networks
* algorithms for GIS
* algorithms for motion planning
{{ :rudolph:schwefel_function7.png?220|Schwefel's function}}
**[[:rudolph:start|Prof. Dr. Günter Rudolph: Computational Intelligence]]**
* Multi-objective Optimization and Industrial Optimization
* Evolutionary Computation
* Digital Entertainment Technologies
* Music Data Analysis
* Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
**[[https://afe.cs.tu-dortmund.de/|Prof. Dr. Johannes Fischer: Algorithmic Foundations and Education in Computer Science]]**
* algorithm engineering
* text indexing
* succinct data structures
* (lower) secondary computer science education
* algorithms for Big Data
* parallel algorithms
The chair for Algorithm Engineering was founded in 1985. [[http://ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/staff/schwefel|Professor Hans-Paul Schwefel]] was head of the chair (called Systemanalyse) until his retirement in 2006, and then by [[mutzel:start|Professor Petra Mutzel]] until 2019.