{0,1,2}-Survivable Network Design

M. Chimani, M. Kandyba, I. Ljubic, P. Mutzel
last updated on (month/day/year)

Survivable network design problems with low-connectivity requirements have been an important research topic in the last decades. The aim of this page is twofold: First, we would like to provide survey on the current state-of-the-art algorithms for these problems. Untill now, different test instances were used by numerous research communities. Our aim is to collect all these instances into a one benchmark set, that can be used for future research.
We naturally do not claim this collection to be complete. We will willingly accept all kind of suggestions, comments and advises. In this case, please contact maria.kandyba@cs.uni-dortmund.de.

{0,1,2}-survivable network design problems: Classification, Algorithms, Bibliography

TSNDLib: a benchmark library for {0,1,2}-Survivable Network Design problems